1990年代の後半、グローバリゼーションという言葉が徘徊しだした。多国籍企業といわれる企業群が世界を股にかけて生産基地や販売拠点を展開しだし、かつての大航海時代を彷彿させる歴史的な転換点だった。当初からこの動きに歯止めをかけようとしたのがベルギーのブリュッセルに本部を構える国際労働組合総連合(International Trade Union Confederation、略称:ITUC)だった。多国籍企業の行動規範をILOを通じて作成したりした。当初は企業が他国に工場を移転することことから、「優先すべきは、何と言っても“雇用”」であったが、その後、サプライチェーンなる言葉が出てきて、多国籍企業に供給する途上国の過酷な労働が問題となった。パキスタンにおける国際ブランドの下請け工場火災で1000人以上の死傷者が出た。
Taming Corporate Power:Organising only answer
No. 121/2016, 19-20 December 2016
Organising workers in multinational corporations and their global supply chains was identified as the top priority in tackling the growing corporate power. About 30 participants from all over the Asia Pacific region attended a Symposium on Workers’ Rights in multinational corporations and global supply chains on 19-20 December 2016 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Participants were from the affiliates and Global Union Federations.
Addressing the participants ITUC General Secretary Noriyuki Suzuki said that one of the striking negative aspects of globalization was the unbridled growth of multinationals along with their supply chains. Workers are subjected to the most exploitative conditions and denied their basic workers’ rights. In some countries unions are banned in supply chains while in others though there is no bar on trade unions the situation is such that it is almost impossible to organize workers. Organising is the key to improving the lot of the workers in the MNCs and supply chains.
In an action plan adopted by the Symposium, organizing unorganized workers in the multinationals and supply chains was given top priority. Awareness campaign, information dissemination and education of affiliates, campaign for labour law reforms, campaign for implementation of the relevant international instruments, identification of key targets, protection of migrant workers’ rights, etc. were highlighted