

コロナ差別がテーマのヒンディ語ラップ(Rapper Big Deal)

2020-05-24 18:43:14 | ラッパー子息・音楽ほか芸能
コロナ感染最悪都市・ムンバイをベースにラッパーとして活躍するRapper Big Deal(インドでは五本の指に入る人気ラッパー)が4月15日、コロナ差別をテーマにしたラップ動画をリリースし、現在10万突破と話題を呼んでおります。


Rapper Big Deal - Why Call me 😷(Official Music Video) | Anti Racism Rap

Translation:Why you call me Corona, by calling me this do you think you won't get the disease?I'm speaking Hindi but I bet you think I'm from China right?Does this virus choose too? Black or white or thin or fat?Does this virus choose too? Tall or short or big or small? Let's see what happensYou spat paan on my face, how do I remove these stains from my brain?Your kids also demean me, what do I teach them?You threw me out of my own house, where do I go?and now, all I wanna know is...
Why you call me Corona
Why you call me Corona, do these viruses see differences in people? Do these viruses see your Face?Do these viruses see the color of your skin?Jackie chan, Amitabh Bachan. Donald trump, Stevie wonder,All of them are different but still they're one in this fight,Have a lot of differences but still they're noble,Open your eyes and look me in my eyes,I know my eyes are small but they tell a tale of agony,I'm standing up for our National Anthem,but how many people from my country are standing up for me?You know I love my country, the beautiful and ugly/No one's below & no one's above me/I'm hoping you love me back, and
Chorus:Don't call me Corona*4

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