聖主イエズス・キリストと無原罪のおん母の平和が皆さんとともにありますように! 私たちの韓国へのミッションは、イエズスの聖心と聖母の御心との二つのみこころに大変近くにあります。なぜなら、二十年以上に渡る事業を弱体化させようとする悪魔が徘徊しているのを見ているからです。現在起きていることを理解していただくため、多くの物事を明確にすることは私の義務であります。
しかしながら、「フェレー司教は、近代主義のローマ当局と公会議の誤謬、新ミサに降伏するだろう」と考え、早とちりした人々がいます。彼らはこのことが六月に起きると言いました。しかし、起きませんでした。すると彼らは、これは七月に起きると発表しました。そうはなりませんでした。今度は、十月または十一月に起きるだろうと述べます。そうはならないでしょう。さもなくば五年、十年のうちに起きるだろうと言いますが、そうはならないでしょう! 彼らは「世の終わりはもうすぐやって来る、我々はそのために自宅に食糧を蓄えておくべきだ」と繰り返し告げる偽預言者に似ています。結果、人々はやがて起こるかも知れないことに絶えず怯えて日々を過ごすのです。今日、このように行動する人々は霊魂たちを恐怖で導き、カトリックの聖伝から離れさせています。
1. 私たちの聖なる信仰
2. 「韓国の聖ピオ十世会」という団体
これは二〇〇八年三月二十日に承認された、韓国における私たちの合法的団体です。この団体はスイス、メンツィンゲンの指導者たちをいただく世界の聖ピオ十世会の傘下にあります。ソウルの私たちの聖堂の賃貸料を払い、Jungno 1gaにアバートを所有し、聖ピオ十世会に寄付されたすべての財産を管理しているのは、この団体です。そして小野田神父がこの代表です。
3. 私たちの合法的集団「韓国の聖ピオ十世会」の目的
親愛なる信者の皆さん、聖ピオ十世会は皆さんを見捨てるつもりはありません! 皆さんが私たちのところにやって来たのは、正しい教義と天主の恩寵を分け与える司祭たち、一組織である聖ピオ十世会に所属する司祭たちに導かれるためです。この司祭たちは、自分たちが確かに善き司祭として行動し、真理を教え、秘跡と私たちの配慮に委ねられた財産の両方を適切に施していると監督する長上たちをいただいています。長上に対し公に反抗し、不従順で自分勝手な司祭たちに従ってはなりません! シャザル神父は現在、彼のフランスにおける任命の放棄、二度に渡る教会法上の通常警告を受けた後の韓国とアジアへの帰還、フェレー司教様の明確な命令への反抗のために、公に聖ピオ十世会を退会しました。今、彼のために私たちにできる唯一のことは、祈りだけです。
Dear Faithful,
May the peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ and of His Immaculate Mother be with you all !
Our Korean mission is very close to their Hearts since the devil is now at work to try to undermine the work of more than 20 years. It is my duty to clarify many things to understand what is happening now.
A deal with modernist Rome?
Bishop Fellay said recently, in many public conferences in Australia, that nothing new would happen for the SSPX under the present pope. And if we consider the appointment last June of the German Archbishop Müller at the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith – he considers Vatican II as infallible - the present situation is going to continue as it is for many more years.
Some however thought and prophesised that Bishop Fellay was going to surrender the SSPX to the modernist authorities, to the conciliar errors and to the new mass. They were certain this was going to happen in June. But it didn’t. They then announced it was going to happen in July. It didn’t. Now they say it will be in October, or November, it will not. Or in 5 or 10 years. It will not! They are like the false prophets announcing repeatedly that the end of world is imminent, and that we should store food in our houses in preparation. As a consequence people live in constant fear of what might happen soon. Those who are doing this today are leading souls by fear and away from Catholic
The SSPX in Korea
Many false rumours and accusations are circulating at the present about the SSPX in Korea, unfortunately by some of our faithful who have now been caught in this “fear-ofa-deal” syndrome. Let me clarify this.
1. Our Holy Faith
We profess as we have always done to maintain the Catholic Faith in line with the famous Declaration of Archbishop Lefebvre, in 1974:
We hold firmly with all our heart and with all our mind to Catholic Rome, Guardian of the Catholic Faith and of the traditions necessary to the maintenance of this faith, to the eternal Rome, mistress of wisdom and truth.
We refuse on the other hand, and have always refused, to follow the Rome of Neo-Modernist and Neo-Protestant tendencies, which became clearly manifest during the Second Vatican Council, and after the Council, in all the reforms which issued from it. …
This is what we are, and, by the grace of God, what we will remain.
2. The Association of “The Society of St Pius X, Korea”
This is our legal association in Korea, approved on March 20, 2008. This association is affiliated with the international SSPX which has its headquarters in Menzingen, Switzerland. It is this association that is renting our present chapel in Seoul, that owns the apartment in Jungno 1ga, that manages all the goods given to the SSPX. Fr. Onoda is its president.
Last week, Fr. Onoda and I have found an excellent lawyer to protect the association, to make sure we follow all its By-Laws legally, and to defend the association from anyone who wants to harm it in any ways. Therefore it is a false accusation to say that we have hired a lawyer to steal away the goods of the association. It is rather those who make this accusation who are trying to disrupt the peaceful life of the association.
3. The purpose of our legal association “SSPX Korea”
Fr. Onoda is the president of the association. He has been given the responsibility to provide for the purpose of the association which is: “The Society, being desirous of following the Holy Tradition of the Catholic Church, has its purpose to spread her Traditional Mass, her traditional doctrine, her traditional catechism and morals.” (Art. 4)
At the present moment, some members have interfered with the exercise of his priestly duties and of his legitimate authority as president in many ways: by posting material on the SSPX Korean website on their own initiative, even against the approval of Fr. Onoda, by distributing printed material in the chapel which undermines the respect for the authority of the association and of the SSPX, by intimidating, harassing and spreading malicious lies against the priests who have been sacrificing themselves freely for the Korean faithful for so many years, and now by provoking a division among our people, as a result of all these actions. The chapel has even been locked to stop Fr. Onoda from
entering it.
Dear Faithful, the Society of St Pius X will not abandon you! You have come to us to be guided by priests who provide you with the sound doctrine and with the grace of God, priests who belong to a large organization, the SSPX. These priests have superiors who watch over them to be sure they act as good priests, that they teach the truth and administer properly both the sacraments and the goods entrusted to our care. Do not follow priests who openly revolt against their superiors, who become disobedient and independent ! By abandoning his assignment in France and by coming back to Korea and to Asia after receiving the two normal canonical warnings and against an explicit order of Bishop Fellay, Fr. Chazal has now publically left the SSPX. The only thing we can do at present for him is to pray for him.
May the Queen of Peace, whose birthday is celebrated today, come to our aid and expand rapidly the Kingship of her Divine Son in beautiful Korea !
Fr Daniel Couture
聖主イエズス・キリストと無原罪のおん母の平和が皆さんとともにありますように! 私たちの韓国へのミッションは、イエズスの聖心と聖母の御心との二つのみこころに大変近くにあります。なぜなら、二十年以上に渡る事業を弱体化させようとする悪魔が徘徊しているのを見ているからです。現在起きていることを理解していただくため、多くの物事を明確にすることは私の義務であります。
しかしながら、「フェレー司教は、近代主義のローマ当局と公会議の誤謬、新ミサに降伏するだろう」と考え、早とちりした人々がいます。彼らはこのことが六月に起きると言いました。しかし、起きませんでした。すると彼らは、これは七月に起きると発表しました。そうはなりませんでした。今度は、十月または十一月に起きるだろうと述べます。そうはならないでしょう。さもなくば五年、十年のうちに起きるだろうと言いますが、そうはならないでしょう! 彼らは「世の終わりはもうすぐやって来る、我々はそのために自宅に食糧を蓄えておくべきだ」と繰り返し告げる偽預言者に似ています。結果、人々はやがて起こるかも知れないことに絶えず怯えて日々を過ごすのです。今日、このように行動する人々は霊魂たちを恐怖で導き、カトリックの聖伝から離れさせています。
1. 私たちの聖なる信仰
2. 「韓国の聖ピオ十世会」という団体
これは二〇〇八年三月二十日に承認された、韓国における私たちの合法的団体です。この団体はスイス、メンツィンゲンの指導者たちをいただく世界の聖ピオ十世会の傘下にあります。ソウルの私たちの聖堂の賃貸料を払い、Jungno 1gaにアバートを所有し、聖ピオ十世会に寄付されたすべての財産を管理しているのは、この団体です。そして小野田神父がこの代表です。
3. 私たちの合法的集団「韓国の聖ピオ十世会」の目的
親愛なる信者の皆さん、聖ピオ十世会は皆さんを見捨てるつもりはありません! 皆さんが私たちのところにやって来たのは、正しい教義と天主の恩寵を分け与える司祭たち、一組織である聖ピオ十世会に所属する司祭たちに導かれるためです。この司祭たちは、自分たちが確かに善き司祭として行動し、真理を教え、秘跡と私たちの配慮に委ねられた財産の両方を適切に施していると監督する長上たちをいただいています。長上に対し公に反抗し、不従順で自分勝手な司祭たちに従ってはなりません! シャザル神父は現在、彼のフランスにおける任命の放棄、二度に渡る教会法上の通常警告を受けた後の韓国とアジアへの帰還、フェレー司教様の明確な命令への反抗のために、公に聖ピオ十世会を退会しました。今、彼のために私たちにできる唯一のことは、祈りだけです。
An appeal to the our SSPX Korean Faithful
September 8, 2012
An appeal to the our SSPX Korean Faithful
September 8, 2012
Dear Faithful,
May the peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ and of His Immaculate Mother be with you all !
Our Korean mission is very close to their Hearts since the devil is now at work to try to undermine the work of more than 20 years. It is my duty to clarify many things to understand what is happening now.
A deal with modernist Rome?
Bishop Fellay said recently, in many public conferences in Australia, that nothing new would happen for the SSPX under the present pope. And if we consider the appointment last June of the German Archbishop Müller at the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith – he considers Vatican II as infallible - the present situation is going to continue as it is for many more years.
Some however thought and prophesised that Bishop Fellay was going to surrender the SSPX to the modernist authorities, to the conciliar errors and to the new mass. They were certain this was going to happen in June. But it didn’t. They then announced it was going to happen in July. It didn’t. Now they say it will be in October, or November, it will not. Or in 5 or 10 years. It will not! They are like the false prophets announcing repeatedly that the end of world is imminent, and that we should store food in our houses in preparation. As a consequence people live in constant fear of what might happen soon. Those who are doing this today are leading souls by fear and away from Catholic
The SSPX in Korea
Many false rumours and accusations are circulating at the present about the SSPX in Korea, unfortunately by some of our faithful who have now been caught in this “fear-ofa-deal” syndrome. Let me clarify this.
1. Our Holy Faith
We profess as we have always done to maintain the Catholic Faith in line with the famous Declaration of Archbishop Lefebvre, in 1974:
We hold firmly with all our heart and with all our mind to Catholic Rome, Guardian of the Catholic Faith and of the traditions necessary to the maintenance of this faith, to the eternal Rome, mistress of wisdom and truth.
We refuse on the other hand, and have always refused, to follow the Rome of Neo-Modernist and Neo-Protestant tendencies, which became clearly manifest during the Second Vatican Council, and after the Council, in all the reforms which issued from it. …
This is what we are, and, by the grace of God, what we will remain.
2. The Association of “The Society of St Pius X, Korea”
This is our legal association in Korea, approved on March 20, 2008. This association is affiliated with the international SSPX which has its headquarters in Menzingen, Switzerland. It is this association that is renting our present chapel in Seoul, that owns the apartment in Jungno 1ga, that manages all the goods given to the SSPX. Fr. Onoda is its president.
Last week, Fr. Onoda and I have found an excellent lawyer to protect the association, to make sure we follow all its By-Laws legally, and to defend the association from anyone who wants to harm it in any ways. Therefore it is a false accusation to say that we have hired a lawyer to steal away the goods of the association. It is rather those who make this accusation who are trying to disrupt the peaceful life of the association.
3. The purpose of our legal association “SSPX Korea”
Fr. Onoda is the president of the association. He has been given the responsibility to provide for the purpose of the association which is: “The Society, being desirous of following the Holy Tradition of the Catholic Church, has its purpose to spread her Traditional Mass, her traditional doctrine, her traditional catechism and morals.” (Art. 4)
At the present moment, some members have interfered with the exercise of his priestly duties and of his legitimate authority as president in many ways: by posting material on the SSPX Korean website on their own initiative, even against the approval of Fr. Onoda, by distributing printed material in the chapel which undermines the respect for the authority of the association and of the SSPX, by intimidating, harassing and spreading malicious lies against the priests who have been sacrificing themselves freely for the Korean faithful for so many years, and now by provoking a division among our people, as a result of all these actions. The chapel has even been locked to stop Fr. Onoda from
entering it.
Dear Faithful, the Society of St Pius X will not abandon you! You have come to us to be guided by priests who provide you with the sound doctrine and with the grace of God, priests who belong to a large organization, the SSPX. These priests have superiors who watch over them to be sure they act as good priests, that they teach the truth and administer properly both the sacraments and the goods entrusted to our care. Do not follow priests who openly revolt against their superiors, who become disobedient and independent ! By abandoning his assignment in France and by coming back to Korea and to Asia after receiving the two normal canonical warnings and against an explicit order of Bishop Fellay, Fr. Chazal has now publically left the SSPX. The only thing we can do at present for him is to pray for him.
May the Queen of Peace, whose birthday is celebrated today, come to our aid and expand rapidly the Kingship of her Divine Son in beautiful Korea !
Fr Daniel Couture