

what to perceive

2013-10-21 07:28:10 | カスタネダ『呪術の実践』 !

 "The first truth is that the world is as it looks and yet it is not," he went on."It is not a s solid and real as our perception has been led to believe,but it is not a mirage either. The world is not an illusion,as it has been said to be; it is real on the one hand,and unreal on the other. Pay close attention to this,for it must be understood,not just accepted. We perceive. This is a hard fact. But what we perceive is not a fact of the same kind,because we learn what to perceive."(原書)


 果たして最後の部分、 we learn what to perceiveは? 
 I don't know what to do.は「何をすべきか分からない」であるから、全く問題ない訳であろうが、、もっと奥深い意味が隠されている気が、雅太にはしたのであった。

