kuringo's Blog



2012年11月08日 13時35分30秒 | 日記


atoll :環礁、環状さんご島
world first :世界初(の)
grid :グリッド、マス目、格子、異物吸入防止グリット
wind turbine :風力タービン
solar water heater :太陽熱温水器
affordable solution :手頃な解決策
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Daily Routine

2012年11月08日 12時00分52秒 | 日記
Push-ups: 31
Walking: 65×2 minutes
Standing with one leg :0 minutes each

Although I felt it so hard to do 31-time push-ups, I could increase the number of them
by one time from the previous record.
I kept over-25-time push-ups for the seventh straight day.
I also kept no-smoking for one year and 335 days in a row.
It's quite cloudy today and it looks like it's going to start raining pretty soon.
Yesterday was the first day of the beginning of winter in the lunar calendar, or Ritto
in Japanese, so this year's winter has begun.
Well, I must start looking forward to the beginning of spring three months later.^^;
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