kuringo's Blog


Daily Routine

2013年01月04日 12時21分17秒 | 日記
Walking: 0 minutes
Standing with one leg :0 minutes each

I didn't do push-ups yesterday due maily to the wintry cold with snow and I felt I needed
a break once in a while, and I hope to remuse them as soon as possible.
I kept no-smoking for two years and 27 days in a row.
Actually I've put on weight and now my body weight is 58 kilograms, up 5kg from a year before.
I'm a little worried about this because my weight has been below 53kg almost since I was
twenty years old.
I don't know the reasons exactly, but probably one of them is lack of exercise.
Indeed, I only did walking exercise this winter about half that of last winter.
I really have to start more exercise.........I may have to wait for a warmer weather.^^;;
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