kuringo's Blog


Daily Routine

2013年04月01日 12時26分55秒 | 日記
Walking: 90 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each

I could keep no-smoking for two years and 114 days in a row.
Seventeen days have passed since I first got the pain in my right shoulder and
stopped doing push-ups, and I'm afraid that my arms muscle has been weakened.
The pain in my right elbow is still here although it's getting milder and milder.
I went to Chikusa Park and then passed by Ichimura Gakuen where I found a very
big and beautiful Shidare-zakura in front of the shool's entrance.
The Shidare-zakura was really so great that I want to enjoy it next year, too.
Then I movet to Ozone through Asahigaoka High School where my deceased best friend
went for three years, which I've really wanted to see at least once.
I enjoyed the Yamazaki River's cherry blossoms which I feel look like big waves of
cherry blossoms during the day and in the evening.
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