


2022-09-02 20:14:59 | 英語特許散策


Such searching techniques are considered inefficient and are a drain on valuable processing and network resources.

The present embodiments aim to overcome these inefficiencies. 

[0013] The present disclosure is generally directed to anti-Sortilin antibodies and methods of using such antibodies. 
[0013] 本開示は、概して、抗ソルチリン抗体及びかかる抗体を使用する方法を目的とする

It is an object of the present invention to provide a tin electroplating composition that provides tin or tin alloy deposits showing a good morphology, particularly a low roughness and which is capable of filling features on the micrometer scale without substantially forming defects, such as but not limited to voids.

It is further an object of the invention to provide a tin or tin alloy electroplating bath that provides a uniform and planar tin or tin alloy deposit, in particular in features of 500 nanometers to 500 micrometers widths.

020 Apparatuses and methods are provided to control accumulated charge in SOI MOSFETs, thereby improving nonlinear responses and harmonic and intermodulaton distortion effects in the operation of the SOI MOSFETs.

[0008] It is an object of the present invention to provide an image recognition device that has a sensing area (e.g., photo sensitive elements) directly included in a transparent or semi-transparent material constituting the optical interface between the incident image and the sensing area.

The image recognition device itself is preferably transparent or semi-transparent.

This invention aims to(*「目的」というよりは「向けられている」is directed toに近いか?)minimize the control overhead while keeping the same codeword-to-layer mapping scheme for UL SU-MIMO. This invention uses the same codeword-to-layer mapping as depicted in FIG. 3. Thus there is a maximum of 2 codewords and each codeword is associated with one transport block. This invention also includes some layer or codeword diversity scheme. 

The present invention aims to reduce power consumption within a microprocessor by selectively suppressing the processing of instructions, for which the need is not certain beyond a predetermined certainty level. In one embodiment of the invention, the speculative processing of instructions, in an instruction stream, after a branch prediction for a branch instruction but prior to the resolution of the branch instruction, is suppressed under certain conditions. While this has the effect of introducing a potential reduction in performance, a substantial power savings can be achieved.

This invention aims to(*通常の「課題」「目的」の記載部分ではなく、公知技術の説明部分)extend the existing messaging frameworks by external resources such as a third-party Web service or a local application into an instant messaging environment using intermediary applications.

The invention has the purpose of making improved medicinal products available e.g. balloon catheters which enable reliable localised treatment of diseased tissue to be carried out, new applications to be developed and to facilitate the use of hydrophilic active substances that are easily soluble in water.

The invention has the purpose of making available a plug-in connector incorporating an RJ45 connector jack, which is adaptable to serve as an electrical and optical transmission cable. This is true, in particular, when used with a hybrid cable which enables a high immunity to noise interference and can also carry a plurality of optical fibers.

The invention has the objective of providing a bottle top dispenser that is convenient in its use and/or maintenance. The invention has in particular the objective of providing a bottle top dispenser that allows for convenient, rapid and accurate volume adjustment by a user. It is an objective to render the process of volume adjustment by a user more rapid, more precise, safer, easier, and less complex, in particular in terms of the operating sequence and/or the movements necessary for volume adjustment.

An assembly and method for removing the native valve is also contemplated. In particular, the invention has the objective of providing a device that gives complete satisfaction with regard to the exeresis and replacement of the valve, while allowing one to operate without opening of the thorax, stopping of the heart and/or opening of the heart, and preventing any diffusion into the circulatory system of fragments of the removed valve.

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