


2024-07-27 21:01:18 | 英語特許散策

The Repository service provides a repository that is a virtual file system that allows clients (users and producers) to access media items available to projects. From the user's point of view, the media items are presented for selection and manipulation by the user so as to appear to be stored in a hierarchical file system, while the actual organization of media items and data is hidden from the user. For example, while the user may be shown that all the image media items are grouped together, in fact the image media items are separated by(*区分)format.

US2015286261(IBM [US])
During sleep mode, high threshold footer or header transistors are used to cut off leakage paths, reducing the leakage currents by orders of magnitude. Another method of reducing the active power is transparent clock gating (TCG). TCG takes advantage of bubbles in a pipeline to avoid clocking latches when a pair of data items are separated by(*離れて、離されて、離間)more than one clock cycle (i.e. not back-to-back), potentially reducing clock power by fifty percent in some units for normal workloads.


*categorize, divide

  • X
  • Facebookでシェアする
  • はてなブックマークに追加する
  • LINEでシェアする


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