Credidimus Caritati 私たちは天主の愛を信じた

2024年から贖いの業の2000周年(33 - 2033)のノベナの年(2024-2033)が始まります

2021年5月9日と16日 カトリック聖伝のミサの報告 聖ピオ十世会 Traditional Latin Mass SSPX JAPAN, Tokyo and Osaka

2021年05月18日 | 聖ピオ十世会関連のニュースなど





Dear Fathers:

Shown below are the number of attendees at the masses in Tokyo today.
The total number of attendees at the masses in Tokyo today was 97, including children.

09:00 mass
M: 22 (incl. 2 children)
F: 18 (incl. 2 children)
Total: 40 (incl. 4 children)

11:00 mass
M: 18 (incl. 3 children)
F: 18 (incl. 7 children)
Total: 36 (incl. 10 children)

12:30 mass
M: 14 (incl. 3 children)
F: 14 (incl. 2 children)
Total: 28 (incl. 5 children)

Total of 3 masses (excl. 7 people who participated in multiple masses)
M: 51 (incl. 8 children)
F: 46 (incl. 11 children)
Total: 97 (incl. 19 children)

Dear Fathers:

Shown below are the number of attendees at the masses in Tokyo today and the amounts of donations received and payments made.

The total number of attendees at the masses in Tokyo today was 92, including children.

09:00 mass
M: 23 (incl. 4 children)
F: 16 (incl. 3 children)
Total: 39 (incl. 7 children)

11:00 mass
M: 15 (incl. 4 children)
F: 17 (incl. 3 children)
Total: 32 (incl. 7 children)

12:30 mass
M: 17 (incl. 5 children)
F: 13 (incl. 2 children)
Total: 30 (incl. 7 children)

Total of 3 masses (excl. 9 people who participated in multiple masses)
M: 50 (incl. 13 children)
F: 42 (incl. 8 children)
Total: 92 (incl. 21 children)


