

Next Generation Supercomputing Developments Swarm Around Cities

2015年05月25日 22時14分16秒 | Weblog
我々の都市OS 構想と HPC技術などについて Platform 誌で紹介されました。

Next Generation Supercomputing Developments Swarm Around Cities

In Fukuoka, Japan, a specialized operating system, using graph-theoretic methods and primed for the next generation of exascale systems, is being developed to study extremely complex interdependencies in urban settings.

An example of specialized software might be CityOS which will be described during our ISC session by professors Fujisawa and Matsuo. Another example is SALI artificial intelligence, a rule-induction technology being developed by Alan Boyd in China.

Sieslack: Is there work taking place today that would serve as a foundation for Smart Cities?

Michaelwicz: There are many intense programs focused on creating Smart Cities, I can’t even list them all. Let me start with one that will be featured at our special session at ISC15.

In Fukuoka, Japan, a group from Kyushu University is developing a special Urban OS to manage the entire chain of data, including collection at the sensors, transmission, cloud resource provisioning and storage. This work will be reported by professors Katsuki Fujisawa and Hisato Matsuo.
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