


2019年08月31日 00時41分34秒 | Weblog

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2019年08月30日 00時21分15秒 | Weblog

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CUDA 10.1 Update 2 Release

2019年08月29日 21時09分29秒 | Weblog
CUDA 10.1 Update 2 がリリースされたので、サーバ達にインストールしました。

CUDA 10.1 Update 2 Release Notes
The release notes for the CUDA Toolkit can be found online at http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-toolkit-release-notes/index.html.

2.1. General CUDA
CUDA 10.1 Update 2 is a minor update that is binary compatible with CUDA 10.1. This release will work with all versions of the R418 NVIDIA driver.
Support is added for RHEL 8 and EPEL.
For RHEL 7, the package manager installation and the package upgrade instructions have been updated.
2.1.1. CUDA Tools CUDA Compilers
The following compilers were added as host compilers in nvcc:
Xcode 10.2
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SPPEXA Final Symposium

2019年08月28日 23時09分55秒 | Weblog
SPPEXA Final Symposium

We warmly invite you to the SPPEXA Final Symposium 2019 which takes place in Dresden, October 21-23, 2019.
Hotel Pullman
2.5 day symposium consisting of minisymposia for each project in parallel sessions.
October 21-23, 2019
Dresden, Hotel PULLMAN. Arrival infos: PDF
The fest-colloquium will take place at TU Dresden itself, Nöthnitzer Straße 46, 01067 Dresden.
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Jetson AGX Xavier

2019年08月27日 21時37分44秒 | Weblog
Jetson AGX Xavier

NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Xavier™ は、エッジ デバイスの計算処理能力密度、エネルギー効率性、AI 推論機能に新しい基準を与えます。それは、エンドツーエンドの自律動作機能を備えた次世代インテリジェント マシンにおける次の進化です。

GPU 512Core Volta GPU with Tensor Cores
CPU 8Core ARM v8.2 64-Bit CPU, 8 MB L2 + 4 MB L3
メモリ 16GB 256Bit LPDDR4x | 137GB/s
ストレージ 32GB eMMC 5.1
DL Accelerator (2x) NVDLA Engines*
Vision Accelerator 7Way VLIW Vision Processor*
Encoder/Decoder (2x) 4Kp60 | HEVC/(2x) 4Kp60 | 12-Bit Support
サイズ 105mm x 105mm
Deployment Module (Jetson Xavier)
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CUDA : bandwidthTest

2019年08月26日 12時02分40秒 | Weblog
2080 と 1080 ではサーバ本体の性能(Device <-> Host)は変わらないのですが、 Device to Device Bandwidth の性能はかなり異なります。

○ GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
# ./bandwidthTest --device=all
[CUDA Bandwidth Test] - Starting...

!!!!!Cumulative Bandwidth to be computed from all the devices !!!!!!

Running on...

Device 0: GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
Device 1: GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
Device 2: GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
Device 3: GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
Quick Mode

Host to Device Bandwidth, 4 Device(s)
PINNED Memory Transfers
Transfer Size (Bytes) Bandwidth(GB/s)
32000000 49.0

Device to Host Bandwidth, 4 Device(s)
PINNED Memory Transfers
Transfer Size (Bytes) Bandwidth(GB/s)
32000000 52.7

Device to Device Bandwidth, 4 Device(s)
PINNED Memory Transfers
Transfer Size (Bytes) Bandwidth(GB/s)
32000000 2082.6

Result = PASS

○ GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
# ./bandwidthTest --device=all
[CUDA Bandwidth Test] - Starting...

!!!!!Cumulative Bandwidth to be computed from all the devices !!!!!!

Running on...

Device 0: GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
Device 1: GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
Device 2: GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
Device 3: GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
Quick Mode

Host to Device Bandwidth, 4 Device(s)
PINNED Memory Transfers
Transfer Size (Bytes) Bandwidth(GB/s)
32000000 48.0

Device to Host Bandwidth, 4 Device(s)
PINNED Memory Transfers
Transfer Size (Bytes) Bandwidth(GB/s)
32000000 52.7

Device to Device Bandwidth, 4 Device(s)
PINNED Memory Transfers
Transfer Size (Bytes) Bandwidth(GB/s)
32000000 1406.6

Result = PASS

○参考:Tesla C2070
# ./bandwidthTest --device=all
[CUDA Bandwidth Test] - Starting...

!!!!!Cumulative Bandwidth to be computed from all the devices !!!!!!

Running on...

Device 0: Tesla C2070
Device 1: Tesla C2070
Device 2: Tesla C2070
Device 3: Tesla C2070
Quick Mode

Host to Device Bandwidth, 4 Device(s)
PINNED Memory Transfers
Transfer Size (Bytes) Bandwidth(MB/s)
33554432 21778.5

Device to Host Bandwidth, 4 Device(s)
PINNED Memory Transfers
Transfer Size (Bytes) Bandwidth(MB/s)
33554432 21781.8

Device to Device Bandwidth, 4 Device(s)
PINNED Memory Transfers
Transfer Size (Bytes) Bandwidth(MB/s)
33554432 398520.2

Result = PASS

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2019年08月25日 22時33分14秒 | Weblog
Development of a mathematical theory on methods for recognizing contours and its applications to engineering

※ この研究集会はマス・フォア・インダストリ研究所 共同利用研究の公開プログラムです.

※ 8月27日(火)~8月30日(金)まで非公開

九州大学 伊都キャンパス ウエスト1号館 C棟 5階 中講義室(W1-C-512)


講演者 : 一木 俊助 (九州大学 マス・フォア・インダストリ研究所)
講演タイトル : 物体認識の観点からの可微分写像の大域的性質

講演者 : 加葉田 雄太朗 (九州大学 マス・フォア・インダストリ研究所)
講演タイトル : 曲線と曲面の射影の微分幾何学

講演者 : 長谷川 大 (岩手医科大学 教養教育センター情報科学科 数学分野)
講演タイトル : 曲面上の関数の特異点と輪郭線の微分幾何

講演者 : 濱田 直希 (株式会社富士通研究所)
講演タイトル : パレートフロントの射影と輪郭線

講演者 :峰松 翼 (九州大学 システム情報科学研究院 情報知能工学部門)
講演タイトル : 背景差分法による変化検出手法の紹介

※ 研究実施期間 : 2019年8月26日(月)~8月30日(金)
※ 8月27日(火)~8月30日(金)まで非公開
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2019年08月24日 12時40分15秒 | Weblog
Development of Multi-objective Optimization Benchmarks Based on Practice and Mathematics

※ この研究集会はマス・フォア・インダストリ研究所 共同利用研究の公開プログラムです.

2019年9月2日(月) - 6日(金)
※ 9月2日(月)のみ公開
九州大学 伊都キャンパス ウエスト1号館 D棟 4階 IMIコンファレンスルーム(W1-D-414)


10:30 - 11:10
講演者 : Naoki Hamada (Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.; RIKEN AIP)
講演タイトル : Development of Multi-objective Optimization Benchmarks Based on Practice and Mathematics

11:20 - 11:50
講演者 : Tomoaki Tatsukawa (Tokyo University of Science)
講演タイトル : Development of Benchmark Problem Based on Real-World Car Structure Optimization

13:30 - 14:00
講演者 : Yusuke Nojima (Osaka Prefecture University)
講演タイトル : Constrained Multiobjective Distance Minimization Problems

14:10 - 14:40
講演者 : Hiroyuki Sato (The University of Electro-Communications)
講演タイトル : Visual Mapping of Multi-objective Optimization Problems

14:50 - 15:20
講演者 : Takahiro Yamamoto (Tokyo Gakugei University)
講演タイトル : Multiobjective optimization problems and singularity theory of smooth maps

15:50 - 16:20
講演者 : Kenta Hayano (Keio University; RIKEN AIP)
講演タイトル : Topology of Pareto sets of strongly convex problems

16:30 - 17:00
講演者 : Naoki Kitazawa (Kyushu University)
講演タイトル : Smooth functions inducing given graphs as Reeb graphs
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2019年08月23日 00時40分32秒 | Weblog
International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia‐Pacific Region (HPC Asia 2020).
Fukuoka, Japan, January 15-17, 2020
Sponsored by IPSJ SIGHPC. In cooperation with ACM SIGHPC.
Papers Submission: August 31, 2019 (final deadline)

• Important Dates
2019/08/26: Abstract submissions due (final deadline)
2019/08/31: Paper submissions due (final deadline)
2019/10/14: Notification of Acceptance
2019/11/01: Camera-ready papers due

• Scope
High performance computing is a key technology to solve large problems in science, engineering, and business by utilizing computing power which has been evolving to the future. HPCAsia, which is an international conference series on HPC technologies in Asia Pacific region, and was held in the past several times in several countries in Asia regional site to discuss the issues on high performance computing and to exchange information of research and development results. Following the success in 2018 and 2019, the International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region, or HPCAsia2020 is organized in order to exchange ideas, case studies, and research results related to all issues of high performance computing.

• Topics
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Applications and Algorithms
High performance applications (high speed, low memory, low power simulations)
Computational science
Numerical linear algebra and its applications
High performance library and software framework for applications
Parallel and vectorization algorithms
Hybrid/heterogeneous/accelerated algorithms
Fault-tolerant algorithms
Graph algorithms
Programming Models and Systems Software Track

- Programming Models and Systems Software
Programming languages and compilation techniques
Tools and libraries for performance and productivity
Performance portability
System management, resource management and scheduler
Optimization for communication and memory
Techniques for testing, debugging, reproducibility and determinism
Techniques for fault tolerance and energy efficiency

- Data, Storage and Visualization
Big data processing with emerging hardware
Parallel and distributed file systems
Storage networks
Storage systems
Visualization and image processing
Reliability and fault tolerance
Scalable data management
Transaction processing
Integration of non-volatile memory
I/O performance tuning, benchmarking and evaluation
Experience and application studies on large-scale storage architectures
Architectures and Networks Track

- Architectures and Networks
Memory architectures
Interconnect/Network architectures
Acceleration technologies (e.g., GPUs, FPGAs)
Power/Energy-aware high-performance computing
Dependable high-performance computing
Architectures for emerging device technologies

• Paper Submission
Authors are invited to submit technical papers of at most 10 pages in PDF format including figures and references. Papers should be formatted in the ACM Proceedings Style (http://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template) and submitted at https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=hpcasia2020
Submitted papers must be original work that has not appeared in and is not under consideration for another conference or a journal.

The review process is single-blind. Each paper will be assigned 4 reviewers. 1 months is allowed for reviews, and a face-to-face meeting among the track chairs will be held to determine the accepted papers. There will be no revision stage.

• Proceedings
All accepted papers will be published by ACM, and included in ACM digital library if presented at the conference. Please contact the Program Chairs for any questions/clarifications.

• Steering Committee
Taisuke Boku (Tsukuba University)
David Abramson (U. Queensland)
Pavan Balaji (ANL)
Wuchun Feng (Virginia Tech.)
Soonwook Hwang (KISTI)
Jaejin Lee (SNU)
Fang Pang Lin (NCHPC)
Serge Petiton (MDLS)
Yutong Lu (GZSC)
Satoshi Matsuoka (Tokyo Tech.)
Bernd Mohr (JSC)
Hiroshi Nakashima (Kyoto U.)
Depei Qiang (Beihang U.)
Mitsuhisa Sato (RIKEN)
Putchong Uthayopass (Kasetsart U.)
Jeffery Vetter (ORNL)

• Organizing Committee
General chair: Takeshi Iwashita (Hokkaido Univ.)
General vice-chair: Daisuke Takahashi (Univ. of Tsukuba)
Local arrangement chair: Katsuki Fujisawa (Kyushu Univ.)
Program committee co-chair: Takahiro Katagiri (Nagoya Univ.)
Program committee co-chair: Jaejin Lee (SNU)
Proceedings chair & Vice PC chair: Rio Yokota (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)
Workshop chair: Ken'ichi Itakura (JAMSTEC)
Poster chair: Satoshi Ohshima (Kyushu Univ.)
Exhibition chair: Takashi Shimokawabe (The Univ. of Tokyo)
Finance chair: Akihiro Fujii (Kogakuin Univ.)
Publicity chair: Takeshi Fukaya (Hokkaido Univ)

• Program Committee
- Application and Algorithms
Fumihiko Ino (Osaka University)
Anshu Dubey (Argonne National Laboratory)
Jacir Luiz Bordim (University of Brasilia)
Aparna Chandramowlishwaran (UC Irvine)
I-hsin Chung (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center)
Christoph Federrath (Australian National University)
Kohei Fujita (The University of Tokyo)
Lin Gan (Tsinghua University)
Kazuhiko Komatsu (Tohoku University)
Dongwook Lee (University of California Santa Cruz)
Weiguo Liu (Shandong University)
Che-Rung Roger Lee (National Tsing Hua University)
Hatim Ltaief (KAUST)
Akira Naruse (NVIDIA)
Masao Okita (Osaka University)
Jose E. Roman (Universitat Politecnica de Valencia)
Subodh Sharma (IIT Delhi)
Reiji Suda (The University of Tokyo)
Katsuyo Thornton (University of Michigan)
Didem Unat (Koç University)
Mohamed Wahib (AIST)
Chao Yang (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
Wei Xue (Tsinghua University)

- Programming Models and Systems Software
Kento Sato (RIKEN)
Todd Gamblin (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Jens Domke (Tokyo Tech)
Balazs Gerofi (RIKEN R-CCS)
Jaejin Lee (Seoul National University)
Shigang Li (ETH Zurich)
Miquel Pericas (Chalmers Univ. of Tech)
Guangming Tan (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Jingling Xue (Univ. of New South Wales)
Yunquan Zhang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Andrew Younge (SNL)
Stephen Herbein (LLNL)
Tianqi Xu (PFN)

- Data, Storage and Visualization
Ryousei Takano (AIST)
Shadi Ibrahim (INRIA)
Suren Byna (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Yong Chen (Texas Tech University)
Matthieu Dorier (Argonne National Laboratory)
Bingsheng He (National University of Singapore)
Thomas Lambert (Inria)
Jay Lofstead (Sandia National Labs)
Xiaosong Ma (Qatar Computing Research Institute)
Suzanne McIntosh (New York University)
Diana Moise (Cray)
Ramon Nou (Barcelona Supercomputing Center)
Bruno Raffin (Inria)
Xuanhua Shi (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
Shinji Sumimoto (Fujitsu Laboratory)
Amelie Chi (Zhou Shenzhen University)

- Architectures and Networks
Takeshi Nanri (Kyushu University)
Ren-Shuo Liu (National Tsing Hua University)
Yuuichirou Ajima (Fujitsu Ltd.)
August F.Y. Chao (National Center for High-performance Computing)
Wei-Chiu Chuang (Cloudera)
Ryusuke Egawa (Tohoku University)
Hidetsugu Irie (The University of Tokyo)
Koji Inoue (Kyushu University)

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2019年08月22日 20時48分52秒 | Weblog
エッジ デバイスでのハイ パフォーマンス AI

NVIDIA® Jetson™ TX2 は、組込み AI コンピューティング デバイスに別格のスピードと電力効率を提供します。このモジュール上のスーパーコンピューターは、エッジ デバイスに真の AI コンピューティングをもたらします。NVIDIA Pascal™ GPU、最大 8 GB のメモリ、59.7 GB/s のメモリ帯域幅、各種標準ハードウェア インターフェイスを備え、さまざまな製品とフォーム ファクターに最適です。
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格安PC「Raspberry Pi 4 Model B

2019年08月21日 00時38分23秒 | Weblog
格安PC「Raspberry Pi 4 Model B」 最大4GBメモリと4K対応がうれしい

Raspberry Pi Foundationは2019年6月、シングルボードコンピュータの最新モデル「Raspberry Pi 4 Model B」(以下、Raspberry Pi 4)を発表した。計画よりも数カ月前倒しでの発表となったRaspberry Pi 4は、トランプのカードほどの大きさで、価格は従来のRaspberry Piシリーズと同様に35ドルから。クライアントPCの代替としての機能が従来モデルよりも充実している。
 新モデルで注目すべき点は、メモリ容量の異なる複数のバリエーションを初めて用意したことだ。これまでのRaspberry Piは、構成の異なるバリエーションを同時にラインアップしたことがなく、メモリ容量は最大1GBにとどまっていた。これに対してRaspberry Pi 4は、それぞれ1GB、2GB、4GBのLPDDR4型SDRAMを搭載した3種類から選択でき、価格は順に35ドル、45ドル、55ドルとなっている。
 Armアーキテクチャに基づく1.5GHzクアッドコアの64ビットプロセッサ「Cortex-A72」の搭載により、Raspberry Pi 4は前モデルの「Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+」と比べて高いパフォーマンスを発揮する。前モデルは1.4GHzの64ビットプロセッサ「Cortex-A53」を搭載している。
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2019年08月20日 18時07分02秒 | Weblog

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2019年08月19日 22時07分04秒 | Weblog
2019年7月19日 2:00

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The geometry of graphs and some of its algorithmic applications : グラフ埋め込み

2019年08月18日 21時45分53秒 | Weblog
The geometry of graphs and some of its algorithmic applications

In this paper we explore some implications of viewing graphs asgeometric objects. This approach offers a new perspective on a number of graph-theoretic and algorithmic problems. There are several ways to model graphs geometrically and our main concern here is with geometric representations that respect themetric of the (possibly weighted) graph. Given a graphG we map its vertices to a normed space in an attempt to (i) keep down the dimension of the host space, and (ii) guarantee a smalldistortion, i.e., make sure that distances between vertices inG closely match the distances between their geometric images.

In this paper we develop efficient algorithms for embedding graphs low-dimensionally with a small distortion. Further algorithmic applications include:
• A simple, unified approach to a number of problems on multicommodity flows, including the Leighton-Rao Theorem [37] and some of its extensions. We solve an open question in this area, showing that the max-flow vs. min-cut gap in thek-commodities problem isO(logk). Our new deterministic polynomial-time algorithm finds a (nearly tight) cut meeting this bound.

• For graphs embeddable in low-dimensional spaces with a small distortion, we can find low-diameter decompositions (in the sense of [7] and [43]). The parameters of the decomposition depend only on the dimension and the distortion and not on the size of the graph.

• In graphs embedded this way, small balancedseparators can be found efficiently.

Given faithful low-dimensional representations of statistical data, it is possible to obtain meaningful and efficientclustering. This is one of the most basic tasks in pattern-recognition. For the (mostly heuristic) methods used in the practice of pattern-recognition, see [20], especially chapter 6.

Our studies of multicommodity flows also imply that every embedding of (the metric of) ann-vertex, constant-degree expander into a Euclidean space (of any dimension) has distortion Ω(logn). This result is tight, and closes a gap left open by Bourgain [12].
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2019年08月17日 19時53分11秒 | Weblog



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