


2021年09月30日 21時31分24秒 | Weblog

おっ、量子Support Vector Machine(以下SVM)あるじゃん、ここから始めよう。
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2021年 10月 IMI Colloquium

2021年09月29日 20時57分52秒 | Weblog
2021年 10月 IMI Colloquium

日時:2021年10月13日 (水)


講師:坂内 健一 氏(慶應義塾大学/理化学研究所)

講演タイトル  :  活発な研究チームについて、考えたこと

講演者の専門は純粋数学の数論幾何であり、代数多様体のHasse-Weil L関数の特殊値にまつわる予想について、学生時代より研究を進めて来た。 純粋数学以外のバックグラウンドを持たなかったにも関わらず、2016年より 理化学研究所革新知能統合研究センターと兼任することとなり、 純粋数学者からなる人工知能・機械学習の研究チームとも関わる様になった。 これらの経験を踏まえて、研究環境や研究の進め方などについて、 個人的に考えてきたことなどについて、お話し致します。
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Starlink Will Transfer Data Close To 97% Of The Speed Of Light Says Musk

2021年09月28日 22時06分06秒 | Weblog

Starlink Will Transfer Data Close To 97% Of The Speed Of Light Says Musk

Space Exploration Technologies Corp.'s (SpaceX) chief Mr. Elon Musk has revealed that his company's Starlink satellite internet service will soon be capable of transferring data faster significantly closer to the speed of light. Mr. Musk's comments were made on the social media platform Twitter, where he shared details about new Starlink satellites, which SpaceX will launch in the next couple of months. These satellites will be equipped with lasers, which are a crucial feature that eliminates the need for Starlink to use ground stations to channel data to internet servers. According to the executive, the new satellites will launch soon and be active by the start of next year.

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5th ZIB-RIKEN-IMI-ISM MODAL Workshop on Optimization, Data Analysis and HPC in AI : 開始

2021年09月27日 00時24分08秒 | Weblog
5th ZIB-RIKEN-IMI-ISM MODAL Workshop on Optimization, Data Analysis and HPC in AI

The workshop has been rescheduled for 27th to 30th September 2021 and will be taking place in an online format.

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2021年09月26日 21時34分52秒 | Weblog


2021年7月27日、東京大学と日本IBMは、日本・アジア初となる商用量子コンピューター「IBM(R) Quantum System One」の稼働を開始したことを発表しました。





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Task: Maritime object detection and classification in global SAR scenes

2021年09月25日 19時52分42秒 | Weblog

Task: Maritime object detection and classification in global SAR scenes

Rapid detection of IUU fishing activity will enable interdiction and prosecution of offenders, mitigating the damages from IUU fishing. The rise of SAR satellite imagery offers an all-weather, day-and-night source to detect vessels that may otherwise elude fishing enforcement authorities.

We have constructed a large, multi-dimensional dataset of SAR satellite views and contextual data that are relevant for the tasks of maritime object detection and classification. Each xView3 data object represents a historical SAR satellite scene which has been preprocessed, co-registered, reprojected to Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates, and used to match historical detections derived from AIS, VMS, automated, and manual (human) visual detections. For the xView3 Challenge, the prediction task is:

  • Identify the maritime objects in each scene
  • For each object, estimate its length, and classify it as vessel or non-vessel
  • For each vessel, classify it as fishing or non-fishing
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2021年09月24日 20時24分49秒 | Weblog

Ludwig is a toolbox that allows to train and test deep learning models without the need to write code.


A new data type-based approach to deep learning model design that makes the tool suited for many different applications.


Experienced users have deep control over model building and training, while newcomers will find it easy to use.


Easy to add new model architecture and new feature data-types.

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Fusic (フュージック)

2021年09月23日 20時38分27秒 | Weblog
株式会社 Fusic (フュージック)


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2021年09月22日 21時18分34秒 | Weblog

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パナソニック、AIプロセッサーを標準搭載したネットワークカメラ「i-PRO Sシリーズ」を9月発売

2021年09月21日 23時01分22秒 | Weblog

パナソニック、AIプロセッサーを標準搭載したネットワークカメラ「i-PRO Sシリーズ」を9月発売

パナソニックi-PROセンシングソリューションズ株式会社は10日、ネットワークカメラの新しいスタンダードモデルとして「i-PRO Sシリーズ」を9月に発売し、パナソニック システムソリューションズ ジャパン株式会社を通じて販売すると発表した。

 i-PRO Sシリーズは、ネットワークカメラの新しいスタンダードモデルとして、AIプロセッサーを標準で搭載し、カメラ内で顔や人、車両、二輪車を自動で識別できる。従来のネットワークカメラでは難しかった、映像の分析・解析といった高負荷のAI処理をカメラ内で行うことで、サーバー側で行っていたAI処理の負荷を分散する。

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2021年09月20日 20時38分56秒 | Weblog


使うのはIBMの ibmqx2 とします。(5量子ビット)

  • なお、深さを変えながら何度も実行するので、単純にjobを投げると大変なことになります。 なので、複数の回路を同時に投げることができる IBMQJobManager という関数を使っています。



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Quantum Algorithm Zoo : Semidefinite Programming

2021年09月19日 20時25分23秒 | Weblog

Quantum Algorithm Zoo 

Algorithm: Semidefinite Programming
Speedup: Polynomial (with some exceptions)
Description: Given a list of m + 1 Hermitian n×n">n×nn×n matrices C,A1,A2,…,Am">C,A1,A2,,AmC,A1,A2,…,Am and m numbers b1,…,bm">b1,,bmb1,…,bm, the problem of semidefinite programming is to find the positive semidefinite n×n">n×nn×nmatrix X that maximizes tr(CX) subject to the constraints tr(AjX)≤bj">tr(AjX)bjtr(AjX)≤bj for j=1,2,…,m">j=1,2,,mj=1,2,…,m. Semidefinite programming has many applications in operations research, combinatorial optimization, and quantum information, and it includes linear programming as a special case. Introduced in [313], and subsequently improved in [383, 425], quantum algorithms are now known that can approximately solve semidefinite programs to within ±ϵ">±ϵ±ϵ in time O(mlog⁡m⋅poly(log⁡n,r,ϵ−1))">O(m‾‾√logmpoly(logn,r,ϵ1))O(mlog⁡m⋅poly(log⁡n,r,ϵ−1)), where r is the rank of the semidefinite program. This constitutes a quadratic speedup over the fastest classical algorithms when r is small compared to n. The quantum algorithm is based on amplitude amplification and quantum Gibbs sampling [121, 307]. In a model in which input is provided in the form of quantum states the quantum algorithm for semidefinite programming can achieve superpolynomial speedup, as discussed in [383], although recent dequantization results [421] delineate limitations on the context in which superpolynomial quantum speedup for semidefinite programs is possible.

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2021年09月18日 22時16分42秒 | Weblog

普通のモニターなのに映像が立体的? 不思議な動画が話題に 「ソニーの“空間再現ディスプレイ”と同じことをもっと安く大画面で」


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Quantum Speed-ups for Semidefinite Programming

2021年09月17日 21時21分24秒 | Weblog

Quantum Speed-ups for Semidefinite Programming

We give a quantum algorithm for solving semidefinite programs (SDPs). It has worst-case running time n12m12s2poly(log(n),log(m),R,r,1/δ), with n and s the dimension and row-sparsity of the input matrices, respectively, m the number of constraints, δ the accuracy of the solution, and R,r a upper bounds on the size of the optimal primal and dual solutions. This gives a square-root unconditional speed-up over any classical method for solving SDPs both in n and m. We prove the algorithm cannot be substantially improved (in terms of n and m) giving a Ω(n12+m12) quantum lower bound for solving semidefinite programs with constant s,R,r and δ.
The quantum algorithm is constructed by a combination of quantum Gibbs sampling and the multiplicative weight method. In particular it is based on a classical algorithm of Arora and Kale for approximately solving SDPs. We present a modification of their algorithm to eliminate the need for solving an inner linear program which may be of independent interest.
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2021年09月16日 20時48分44秒 | Weblog

MLflow Documentation

MLflow is an open source platform for managing the end-to-end machine learning lifecycle. It tackles four primary functions:

  • Tracking experiments to record and compare parameters and results (MLflow Tracking).

  • Packaging ML code in a reusable, reproducible form in order to share with other data scientists or transfer to production (MLflow Projects).

  • Managing and deploying models from a variety of ML libraries to a variety of model serving and inference platforms (MLflow Models).

  • Providing a central model store to collaboratively manage the full lifecycle of an MLflow Model, including model versioning, stage transitions, and annotations (MLflow Model Registry).

MLflow is library-agnostic. You can use it with any machine learning library, and in any programming language, since all functions are accessible through a REST API and CLI. For convenience, the project also includes a Python API, R API, and Java API.

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