

The 5th IFAC Conference on Engine and Powertrain Control, Simulation and Modeling

2018年01月31日 02時27分18秒 | Weblog
IFAC E-CoSM 2018
The 5th IFAC Conference on Engine and Powertrain Control, Simulation and Modeling

Sep.20-22, 2018
Changchun, China

E-CoSM was created in 2006 as a triennial workshop series. After four editions, it is updated and E-CoSM 2018 is the first edition as an IFAC conference series, sponsored by IFAC the IFAC Technical Committee on Automotive Control and co-sponsored by other IFAC Technical Committees. After four successful editions organized and hosted by the Institut Francais du Petrole Energies Nouvelles (IFPEN) in France and the Ohio State University Center for Automotive Research and SIMCenter, the E-CoSM moves to China and being upgraded as the first edition as an IFAC conference series, and hosted by Jilin University's State Key Laboratory of Automotive Simulation and Control (ASCL) and CAA T.C. Vehicle Control and Intelligence (VCI), and supported by the State Key Laboratory of Combustion Engine, Tianjin University, and Chinese Association of Automation CAA.
E-CoSM 2018 will be held at the South Lake Hotel in Changchun, China. It will be held from 20 to 22 September 2018. Research achievements on engine and powertrain control, simulation and modeling in recent years will be displayed and concluded on the conference. In the meantime, the major problems in science, technology and policy that people may face in the future will be explored.
Regular papers presented at E-CoSM 2018 will be hosted and freely available on-line on the IFAC-PapersOnLine.net website and will be citable via an ISSN and a DOI. Papers published in IFAC-PapersOline are indexed in Scopus, EI and WoS. The best papers will be considered for publication in affiliated IFAC journals.
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