

Gurobi 5.6.2 リリース

2014年02月14日 00時07分41秒 | Weblog
Gurobi Optimizer V.5.6.2がリリースされました。

Gurobi Optimizer Ver.5.6.2の主な変更点は以下となります。

(1) 前バージョンでの不具合解消

•Fixed a crash in MATLAB 2013 on Linux when using barrier with calls to the BLAS
•Fixed several issues related to logging in the Python interface
•Fixed a bug when using outer approximation on MIQCP models with quadratic objectives
•Fixed a crash when calling advanced simplex routines on models with no basis information
•Fixed an issue in sensitivity analysis for QP models
•Fixed a bug in presolve where crushed solutions could contain integrality violations
•Fixed an issue where some solutions were not passed to the user's callback
•Fixed a bug where the root relaxation's log messages were not passed to the user's callback
•Fixed a bug where time limits were not respected when tuning multiple models
•Fixed an integer overflow in presolve
•Improved error messages when using NumPy and the Python interface

(2) ライセンスにおけるUnicodeでのusernameの設定

(3) Mac OS X Mavericksのサポート
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