

Linpack : Xeon と Xeon Phi

2016年05月30日 01時58分01秒 | Weblog
CPU : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 v3 @ 2.30GHz x 2
アクセラレータ:Intel Xeon Phi
OS : CentOS 7.2

◯CPU :
time ./runme_xeon64
This is a SAMPLE run script for SMP LINPACK. Change it to reflect
the correct number of CPUs/threads, problem input files, etc..
2016年 5月 29日 日曜日 21:42:12 JST
Intel(R) Optimized LINPACK Benchmark data

Current date/time: Sun May 29 21:42:12 2016

CPU frequency: 3.099 GHz
Number of CPUs: 2
Number of cores: 24
Number of threads: 24

Performance Summary (GFlops)

Size LDA Align. Average Maximal
1000 1000 4 105.7174 125.2738
2000 2000 4 288.8508 316.4528
5000 5008 4 575.2693 580.2627
10000 10000 4 735.1371 736.6474
15000 15000 4 748.2649 748.5248
18000 18008 4 770.3632 770.9929
20000 20016 4 774.1154 774.7422
22000 22008 4 769.9605 770.2098
25000 25000 4 773.2758 773.3150
26000 26000 4 775.3615 775.4599
27000 27000 4 779.4964 779.4964
30000 30000 1 780.5364 780.5364
35000 35000 1 787.6609 787.6609
40000 40000 1 793.4843 793.4843
45000 45000 1 786.9196 786.9196

◯ アクセラレータ:
time ./runme_mic
This is a SAMPLE run script for SMP LINPACK. Change it to reflect
the correct number of CPUs/threads, problem input files, etc..
Sun May 29 21:31:46 JST 2016
Intel(R) Optimized LINPACK Benchmark data

Current date/time: Sun May 29 21:31:46 2016

CPU frequency: 1.238 GHz
Number of CPUs: 1
Number of cores: 244
Number of threads: 244

Performance Summary (GFlops)

Size LDA Align. Average Maximal
2048 2112 4 64.0561 91.5393
4096 6208 4 248.4799 259.0791
6144 6208 4 389.8995 397.1151
8192 8256 4 481.0933 485.3415
10240 10304 4 565.7881 576.0193
12288 12352 4 627.6521 631.1250
14336 14400 4 701.5417 705.7803
16384 18496 4 734.1335 738.3655
18432 18496 4 778.2477 782.3456
20480 20544 4 809.3222 812.1281
22528 22592 4 839.6349 841.6996
24576 26688 4 860.3620 862.2219
26624 26688 4 877.4989 879.6877
28672 28736 4 891.0177 891.1374
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