

Parallel Computing and SDP Workshop

2010年12月01日 15時29分42秒 | Weblog
11月29日から12月5日までベルリンの ZIB に滞在するために不在にします。帰国して 6 日に新クラスタの全 16 ノードの内 12 ノードとブレード用の筐体が納入される予定になっています。

Parallel Computing and SDP Workshop
Mittwoch den 01. Dezember 2010 um 10:00 Zuse-Institut Berlin (ZIB)Takustr. 7 14195 Berlin Seminarraum 2006 Erdgeschoss

10:00 Martin Grötschel: Introduction
10:20 Katsuki Fujisawa: SDPA project: Solving large-scale semidefinite programs
10:55 Christoph Helmberg: 2nd Order Motivated Scaling Approaches for the Spectral Bundle Method
11:30 Alexander Reinefeld / Thorsten Schütt: Parallel Programming Paradigms and the MR-Search-Framework
12:05 Mituhiro Fukuda: On the relation between the N-representability conditions in quantum chemistry with the valid inequalities for the cut polytope
12:40 Lunch break
14:00 Hinnerk Stüben: Supercomputing at ZIB - from past to present Visit of the HPC Center at ZIB
15:00 Yuji Shinano: ParaSCIP - Experiments with a massive parallel distributed memory MIP Solver
15:35 Coffee break
15:45 Makoto Yamashita: SDPARA: a parallel software for large-scale semidefinite programs based on primal-dual interior-point methods http://sdpa.indsys.chuo-u.ac.jp/sdpa/
16:20 Hayato Waki: Strange Behaviors of Interior-point Methods for Solving Semidefinite Programming Problems
16:50 Discussion
17:00 End
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