三木奎吾の住宅探訪記 2nd

(旧タイトル:性能とデザイン いい家大研究)


2024年09月01日 05時48分14秒 | Weblog


English version⬇

Sesshu and Sotatsu Tawaraya - The Expression of the “Wind God
The settlement of the Japanese people in the cold region of Hokkaido brought an evolution in housing performance and a big bang in the spirit of “Kacho Fugetsu” (flowers, birds, winds, and the moon). On the other hand, there is a tradition of expressing “Typhoon = Wind God and Thunder God”. The wind, bird, and thunder gods.

 As I age, I am gradually moving away from the housing magazine business and becoming more and more interested in “expressing” myself. Or rather, I am becoming more and more interested in what I “wanted to do-Part 2. I am returning to the position of a journalist and an expressive person, rather than a media person, and my mind is shifting to delving into housing from that standpoint. I will be able to announce more about this direction of expression when more time passes.
 In this blog, which I continue to write every day, I would like to “dig deeper” in a slightly different area. When it becomes possible to properly present the aforementioned housing theme expression, the environment will be different again, but right now I am in such a “transitional period.
 As for blog posts, I would like to consider the area of “painting” for a while.
 This is largely due to the revival of dialogue with the works at the Sumio Goto Museum of Art, which I visited for the first time in several years and awakened my “sukyo” in me once more. I consider Japanese-style painting to be a field of expression that culminates in the spirituality of “Kacho Fu Fugetsu” (flowers, birds, winds, and the moon) that is fundamental to the Japanese people. Among such artists, Sumio Goto fell in love with the four seasons and nature of Hokkaido so much that he chose Kamifurano as his creative base.
 I believe that living in Hokkaido has a very strong meaning that the traditional Japanese “Kacho Fu Fugetsu” (flowers, birds, winds, and the moon) encountered a harsher natural environment. It is as if human society in the temperate zone encountered a full-fledged “cold climate” for the first time. The people of Hokkaido were forced to live in a natural environment that was a big bang from the Japanese view of nature until the Edo period, and I believe that deep in their hearts, they were expecting to express this kind of “expanded Kacho-fu-getsu” (flowers, birds, winds, and the moon).
 Since the Meiji era (1868-1912), there has been an essential value shift in the technical and fundamental area of housing, namely, “high thermal insulation and airtightness,” as a result of Hokkaido's entry into Japan. While the “evolution and change in the sense of living” of the Japanese people due to this change is of great value, I believe that there was also a longing for the evolution of the above-mentioned sense of value in the field of painting, which expresses spirituality.
 I have already said a lot of things in the introduction, but I have not gotten to the main topic, which is the design of the paintings (tears). In the Japanese archipelago, where “typhoons” come periodically as a form of natural fury different from the harsh “cold,” I love the expression of the “wind god and thunder god” that has been handed down as an expression of people's spirituality, and I have been particularly attracted to the work of Tawaraya Sotatsu. On the other hand, I recently came across Sesshu's expression, which goes back much further in time, even though they are both Japanese painters.
 How did Sesshû express himself in relation to his favorite artist, Tawaraya Sotatsu? Although there is a big difference in the style of expression between gold folding screen paintings and ink paintings, I was very strongly intrigued by Sesshu's expression.

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