三木奎吾の住宅探訪記 2nd

(旧タイトル:性能とデザイン いい家大研究)


2024年08月31日 05時38分08秒 | Weblog

 たぶん誰でも1枚くらいは自分で描いた絵を持っているのではないでしょうか? 高齢になってからそういう絵と再会すると、猛烈に恥ずかしいという心理がだんだんと薄らいできて、ようやく「対話」が成り立ってくるように思える。この絵は今の今まで手許にあったということは、自分史のなかのひとつの「句読点」という認識対象であったことが明らか。

English version⬇

[Embarrassingly [laughs], a mental landscape painting I did when I was around 18 years old.
Thank you, my mother carefully preserved this heta drawing from my youth. It is basically a manga expression. I think the present form of Japanese painting is still manga. I think manga is the current form of Japanese painting.

 Probably everyone has at least one painting that he or she has done themselves. When we are reunited with such a painting at an older age, the psychology of intense embarrassment seems to gradually fade away, and a “dialogue” finally takes place. The fact that this picture has been in my possession until now clearly indicates that it was an object of recognition, a “punctuation mark” in my personal history.
 After graduating from high school, where I spent most of my time in the student movement, I entered a university in Tokyo and then worked for a company in Tokyo. I have a vague recollection of this painting, and I remember that I painted it as it appeared in my mind when I decided to go to Tokyo to start living there.
 A painting must have some kind of motive for being painted. Even in the case of a landscape painting, the way it is painted reflects the artist's psychology at that point in time, but gradually the artist concentrates on the original theme of the painting, returns to it, and finally completes the painting with an absent mind.
 However, for a novice, the artist's psychology is expressed as it is, and the feelings of shame may be heightened. The artist's mind is filled with a sense of fear, as if to say, “Oh my God, my mind has come out as it is.
 In this picture, the topography of Sapporo, where I used to live, has somehow been cut away to the sea of Ishikari Bay, floating in the air like Hyokkori Hyotan-jima. The mountains near the unusual “artificial sun” depict Mt. Moiwa, which evokes a sense of nostalgia for Sapporo.
 I wonder why the artist chose to depict the land where he used to live in this way, which must be some kind of psychological expression. I don't think he is taking it negatively because it is a simulation of Hyokkori Hyotanjima. Rather, I think there was a strong perception of an ecological world that could be completed there. From the perspective of the artist, I remember thinking, “What should I do with this ‘artificial sun’? As a result, I positioned the sun at the end of a movable arm like a lighting fixture. And as a painter, I think I wanted to show the stars in the sky, clouds, and even the night sky, as well as the diverse cycle of the seasons.
 The artist is trying to punch such a “hometown” with all his weight in an action manga style posing. It looks like a punch, but I think I was conscious that the direction of the punch is slightly different from the direction of the original.
 It is hard to imagine that I myself would have made this picture my “partner” in Tokyo for the rest of my life.
 I remember that this painting became the object of my mother's preservation when she rearranged my room and meticulously preserved the various traces of human life in it.
 Well, I think that painting is interesting and tasteful in its own way, even if it is not very good at it.

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