◯ The Most DREADFUL Nation ; 239.4兆円 2014年度における国の予算

2014-05-03 05:20:10 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/03/2014 Weekly diamond . Nevada blog
The weekly diamond magazine has published the following editorials.
Hosei University Associate Professor department-of-economics Oguro
239,400 billion yen
It is the annual expenditure sum total of the budget (general account + special account + budgets of government-affiliated agencies) of Japan in the 2014 fiscal year, and the contents of this annual expenditure have become fearful contents.
91 trillion yen Expenditures for national debt service (the part for past settlement of debt) 38% of the whole
78 trillion yen Social security cost 32% of the whole
19 trillion yen Distribution of local grant tax Whole 8%
17 trillion yen Financial investment 7% of the whole
Although the percentage that "expenditures for national debt service and social security payment account for the annual expenditure (95 trillion yen) of a general account is only about 50 percent, both costs,
The present condition that the rate of occupying to the annual expenditure net total (237 trillion yen) of a general account and a special account reaches also to 70 percent is seldom recognized. "
although it is confirmed to hide, and for expenditures for national debt service to carry out sudden expansion, now to amount also to 91 trillion yen, and for it to be alike soon, and to break through 100 trillion yen

05/03/2014 週刊ダイヤモンド. Nevada blog


法政大学 経済学部小黒准教授



91兆円  国債費    (過去の借金返済分 ) 全体の38%
78兆円  社会保障費 全体の32%
19兆円  地方交付税交付金 全体の 8%
17兆円  財投 全体の7%



