The orthodox civilization is the festival politics of Japan


Christian influence seems to decrease・キリスト教の低落 ⒈

2017-05-30 04:09:43 | 世界経済

I do think the influence of Christianity becomes weaker .
The New Pope seems to be frivolous , he said ,
" We must build the door of loving between Mexico and America , not a long wall ."

It is not good for the top of Catholic to touch the political problem , because the social situation changes suddenly .
Many protestants manages companies , and some of them had the munition industry which products a strong weapon used in Middle West .
The doctrine of love and miracle changes to the money and murder .
People of all over the world are staring it and become to escape from it .

 キリスト教の影響力が弱まっているように思える、Catholic・Protestant 双方であるが、新しいローマ法王、いかにも軽い、 
 「メキシコとアメリカの間には 長い壁ではなく愛のドアを作らなければいけない」

 「思い切って 大衆的なヤツを選んでみようか」
