kuringo's Blog


Daily Routine

2024年05月26日 09時37分59秒 | 日記
Push-ups :28 times
Walking :0 minutes
Standing on one foot :0 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
Jogging-on-the-spot : 0 minutes
Plunk :1.5 +0.5=2 minutes

It has been thirteen years and one hundred
and seventy days in a row since I broke free
from smoking.
I was able to increase the number of push-ups
by three times from the previous record to
28 times and kept greater than 9-time push-
ups for the two hundred and seventy-fourth
straight day.

Unlike yesterday, it is pretty overcast in
Nagoya today and I feel that it is a little
dark, so it looks like it is going to start
raining although weather ladies said it would
be just cloudy in the Tokai region.
Anyway, one thing is for sure, the weather
is going to take a turn for the worse.
The fatigue from the 4-hour walking is still
here, but it's just a little, so I think that
it is high time I had to restart physical
exercises as before.
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Daily Routine

2024年05月25日 09時31分35秒 | 日記
Push-ups :25 times
Walking :a total of 40 minutes
Standing on one foot :0 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
Jogging-on-the-spot : 0 minutes
Plunk :1.5 +0.5=2 minutes

I have a tight schedule today, so I cannot afford to be here any longer.
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2024年05月25日 09時21分18秒 | 日記
大量購入 :bulk purchase
省庁連携 :collaboration between ministries and agencies
予防教育 :preventive education
平和教育 :peace education
乱用経験 :abuse experience
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2024年05月24日 09時58分05秒 | 日記


construction time(s) :建設期間
get in the way of :~の邪魔[妨げ・障害]になる
threatening sky :雨模様の空、険悪な空、今にも降りだしそうな空
anthropomorphic image :擬人化イメージ
propulsive force :推進力
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Daily Routine

2024年05月24日 09時36分58秒 | 日記
Push-ups :23 times
Walking :0 minutes
Standing on one foot :0 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
Jogging-on-the-spot : 0 minutes
Plunk :1.5 +0.5=2 minutes

Thirteen years and one hundred and sixty-eight
days in a row since I gave up smoking.

I reduced the number of push-ups by eight times
to 23 times because I was super-tired from the
4-hour walking I carried out the day before
yesterday and had almost no energy to keep the
31-time push-up level.
However, I was able to keep at least 10-time
push-ups for the two hundred and seventy-second
successiv day.

It is sunny with some clouds in the sky in Nagoya.
I can see a long contrail there, so I guess that
the weather is going to take a turn for the worse.
Regardless of the weather conditions, I need to
rest my body, especially my legs because still
I have muscle soreness in both legs.
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2024年05月23日 10時23分40秒 | 日記


decommission :〔原子力発電所などを〕閉鎖する、〔船などを〕退役させる
repurpose :再度目的を持たす
underutilize :十分に活用しない
live-work loft :生活と仕事兼用のロフト (リヴと発音する)
locally-owned :地域主体の
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Daily Routine

2024年05月23日 09時52分33秒 | 日記
Push-ups :31 times
Walking :4 hours 5 minutes
Standing on one foot :0 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
Jogging-on-the-spot : 0 minutes
Plunk :1.5 +0.5=2 minutes

I have succeeded in preventing myself from
smoking for thirteen years and one hundred
and sixty-seven days in a row.
I was able to keep over 9-time push-ups for
the two hundred and seventy-first consecutive
day including the most recent twenty-six days
of 31-time push-ups.

Just like yesterday, it is overcast in Nagoya
today and I feel that it is a little dark.
Yesterday, I was able to walk from Nagoya-
city-run subway Iwatsuka Station to JR Kuwana
Station in Mie prefecture for about 4 hours of
walking time and about one and a half hours of
break time for the first time in about four
months, which has now given me a left leg muscle
However, actually I feel that I'm in a little
high spirits, so I think that the intense
exercise of 4-hour walking might have been a
stress reliever mentally.
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Daily Routine

2024年05月22日 16時43分23秒 | 日記
Push-ups :31 times
Walking :0 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
Jogging-on-the-spot : 0 minutes
Plunk :1.5 +0.5=2 minutes

Today again, I'm afraid I cannot have enough time to be here today.
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Today's Writing (485)

2024年05月22日 16時32分14秒 | 日記
According to Napoleon's maxim, “One must be in good spirits to work.”
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Daily Routine

2024年05月21日 09時24分15秒 | 日記
Push-ups :31 times
Walking :70 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
Jogging-on-the-spot : 15 minutes
Plunk :1.5 +0.5=2 minutes

Today again, I wish I were not pressed for time today.
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