kuringo's Blog


Daily Routine

2016年08月03日 12時24分16秒 | 日記
Push-ups:11 times
Walking :20 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :10 minutes

I have succeeded in preventing myself from smoking for five years and 238 days in a row.
I was able to resume push-ups from 11 times for the first time in
ten days and lengthen the time in doing jogging-on-the-spot by two
minutes to 10 minutes.

It's muggy and I feel a little disgusting because of the high
humidity and the callousness of the first floor tenant.
They are leaving 8 18-liter cans of cooking oil in the common space
outside of the building, blocking parking space.
I think it dangerous because the oil must be flammable and they
also leave many sheets of cardboard beside the oil cans.
And they leave a big trash box made of iron with cooking oil
leaking from it.......Am I the only one person who feel this dangerous?
I really hope such callous people will disappear soon.
May an arsonist not find this situation!
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