kuringo's Blog


Daily Routine

2016年06月30日 12時34分48秒 | 日記
Push-ups:17 times
Walking:0 minutes
Standing on one foot :0 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

It has been five years and 204 days in a row since I got rid of my smoking habit.
I tried increasing the number of push-ups by no more than one time to 17 times
and kept more than 15-time push-ups for the second consecutive day.

After an intermittent rain, it's stopped raining and cloudy in Nagoya.
It's muggy today wtih a little sunlight.
I feel a little peaceful and I feel relaxed a little because I could
park my bike at the regular position without any callous acts by some people.
I have realized again how dreadful their acts have been.
I am really sure that they have to disappear as soon as possible.
Anyway, I should enjoy this peaceful atmosphere for some time.
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