アマチュア無線局  JA2KOWの苦(好)戦的奮戦記

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友愛男 鳩山由紀夫とフリーメーソン

2009年09月28日 11時58分39秒 | 政治

双葉社が発行する月刊誌『EX大衆』10月15日号に、「鳩山新総理とフリーメーソン 知られざる関係を暴く」と題する記事が掲載されている。現在の報道が鳩山首相礼賛一色に染まる中、最大の「タブー」に切り込んだ形だ。記事は「『友愛』を政治理念に掲げる男の驚くべき経歴!!」の副題を付け、祖父の鳩山一郎氏がフリーメーソンのメンバー(メーソンリー)だったとする朝日新聞の記事を紹介した上で、昨年4月に開講した「鳩山友愛塾」の設立趣意書がフリーメーソンの理念とうり二つである点を指摘。この秘密結社が鳩山政権を通じて日本を操り始めたとしている。







4 コメント

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Unknown (mimi)
2009-09-28 23:24:25
2009-09-29 01:41:16
I hope you realized the extent of the infiltration.

It was planned hundreds of years ago.

Japan was primed by the City of London and Wall Street as a weapon aimed at Orthodox Christian Russia, and a vehicle for Judeo-Masonic control of China.

The fascist era was in some ways a natural reaction to Judeo-Masonic manipulations, but militarism and intolerance were exaggerated (as they were also in Nazi Germany) by those who financed the fascist rising, in order to justify the masonic culls of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the post-war occupation.

Opposing forces and distinctions are pushed to the point where total war becomes inevitable.

Consider: the Holocaust (i.e. Hiroshima and Nagasaki, "holocaust" meaning literally a burnt sacrifice) was justified by the Masonic logic of:

"It's the most humane choice. You only have A and B to choose from: Kill X innocent Japanese or send Y US soldiers to die."

This shows that America was (and is) run by bloody Freemasons, Talmudists, Kabbalists. A Christian nation would have settled for a conditional surrender, thereby bringing peace and avoiding the slaughter of both soldiers and innocents. Justice belongs to God.

Hiroshima on the 6th. The Soviets were deployed on the 8th to further incentivize the Japanese to unconditionally surrender and also to justify the further inhumanity at Nagasaki on the 9th.

Free Japan!
mimiさん、Akiraさん、 (ja2kow)
2009-09-29 22:11:06
Manipulation & 行きたい (Akira)
2009-10-06 19:43:11


I think the infiltration is very very deep. You might think that's exaggerated, but it only takes a few very rich and powerful people to affect a nation's culture; especially somewhere as centralized and (in some ways) very conformist place like Japan.

Look at how Shindler's List and a few other similar movies completely shaped the common perception of the Holocaust. In that movie there's a ridiculous scene in which a German car drives on a road pathed with the headstones from Jewish graves. A man told me that that is something the Nazis did. I asked how did he know. He said, "It's in Schindler's List." I said, "That's fiction." He called me a Nazi. Brainwashing.

Same with, say, gay marriage, drug legalization, militarism, global warming, a global currency: they're introduced in a movie, all of a sudden it's in the newspapers, on TV, maybe there's a famous law suit. Soon everybody has an opinion they picked up from this media saturation, and they think it's their own opinion.

So owning a newspaper, or movie company, or TV station gives one the power to change what is considered normal or abnormal.

As for Japanese politics, I always thought the Prime Minister didn't really have a lot of power, and ambitious people would rathe be the "kingmaker" behind the scenes. Maybe things have changed?


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