

ブレイキング・バッド2巡目視聴中:How do you mean?

2024-07-06 08:59:53 | 表現

「どういう意味ですか?」に対応する英語は通常、What do you mean?だと言われますが、How do you mean?も使われている。


Breaking Bad Dialog Transcript, 178


"Is it true that Breaking Bad wasn't big until it went on Netflix?"

"How do you mean “big?”"


前回記事:ドラマ ホームランド:What do you mean? How do you mean?

What is the difference in meaning, nuance, intention, etc., between "What do you mean?" and "How do you mean?" Are they both commonly used among native speakers of English?

The phrases "What do you mean?" and "How do you mean?" have subtle differences in meaning, nuance, and usage.

"What do you mean?"

  • Meaning: This question asks for clarification about the content or substance of what someone has said. It seeks to understand the exact meaning of a statement.
  • Nuance: It is a straightforward request for more information or clarification. It can sometimes come across as direct or even slightly confrontational, depending on the context and tone.
  • Usage: This phrase is very commonly used among native English speakers in both formal and informal settings.

"How do you mean?"

  • Meaning: This question asks for clarification about the manner or method in which something was meant. It seeks to understand the speaker's perspective or the way they are framing their statement.
  • Nuance: This phrase can come across as more open-ended and less direct. It implies a request for the speaker to elaborate on their thought process or the way they intended their message.
  • Usage: This phrase is less commonly used than "What do you mean?" and is more likely to be heard in British English than in American English. It can sometimes be used to gently probe for more information without sounding as direct as "What do you mean?"


  • "What do you mean?"

    • Person A: "I think the project is doomed."
    • Person B: "What do you mean?"
    • Here, Person B is asking for a clear explanation of why Person A thinks the project is doomed.
  • "How do you mean?"

    • Person A: "I think we should approach this problem differently."
    • Person B: "How do you mean?"
    • Here, Person B is asking for more details about the manner or approach that Person A has in mind.

In summary, while both phrases seek clarification, "What do you mean?" focuses on the content, and "How do you mean?" focuses on the manner or perspective. "What do you mean?" is more commonly used among native English speakers.


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