


2024-09-05 12:55:22 | ChatGPT
Which of the following is better English in terms of clarity, usage, grammar, etc.?
1. This material does not have water repellency by itself.
2. This material does not by itself have water repellency.
3. This material by itself does not have water repellency.

All three sentences are grammatically correct, but the third option offers the best clarity and flow in English:

3. "This material by itself does not have water repellency."

Here's why:

  • Clarity: The phrase "by itself" is placed right after "This material," making it clear that the focus is on the material alone.
  • Flow: The structure is more natural, following the common subject-verb-object order.


  1. "This material does not have water repellency by itself."
    • The placement of "by itself" at the end is less smooth and can make the sentence feel slightly awkward.
  2. "This material does not by itself have water repellency."
    • This is grammatically fine but sounds more formal and less common in everyday speech.
  3. "This material by itself does not have water repellency."
    • This structure emphasizes the material alone and reads most naturally.
Which of the following is better?
1. This part includes a material that does not have water repellency by itself.
2. This part includes a material that by itself does not have water repellency.

Between the two options, Sentence 2 is the better choice for clarity and natural flow:

2. "This part includes a material that by itself does not have water repellency."

Here's why:

  • Clarity and emphasis: The phrase "by itself" is positioned directly after "that," clarifying that the material alone lacks water repellency. This placement is more concise and emphasizes the point more naturally.


  1. "This part includes a material that does not have water repellency by itself."
    • The placement of "by itself" at the end can make the sentence feel slightly awkward, as the phrase seems somewhat detached from the key idea.
  2. "This part includes a material that by itself does not have water repellency."
    • The phrase "by itself" is better integrated into the sentence, making it more fluid and easier to understand.
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