


2020-03-12 14:30:52 | 英語特許散策

[0032] In some embodiments, a vehicle's rollover threshold is established by the simple relationship between the height of the center of gravity (CG) and the maximum lateral forces capable of being transferred by the tires. Modern tires can develop a friction coefficient as high as 0.8, which means that the vehicle can negotiate turns that produce lateral forces equal to 80% of the vehicle's own weight before the tires lose adhesion (i.e., 0.8 G (units of standard gravity)). The CG height in relation to the effective half-tread of the vehicle determines the length-to-height (L/H) ratio, which establishes the lateral force required to overturn the vehicle. As long as the side-force capability of the tires is less than the side-force required for overturn, the vehicle will slide before it overturns.


"[0016] In addition to being able to control the RC car, the smartphone can also receive information from the RC car. For example, in this embodiment, the RC car has multiple collision sensors on it to sense when it collides with an obstacle. It also has a sensor on its roof to sense when the car has rolled over and is no longer drivable. The RC car has a processor that receives signals from the sensors and then is able to use a transmitter also in the RC car to transmit the sensor information back to the smartphone. The smartphone receives the information from the RC car and can output haptic effects to indicate collisions or roll-overs to the user. Thus, the user experiences a more immersive experience when driving the car: the user can feel impacts with obstacles via haptic effects, and can be notified of error conditions, such as when the car has rolled over and needs to be flipped back onto its wheels."


"In still another variant, the method is initiated substantially automatically by a transmission apparatus disposed substantially within a land vehicle pursuant to the event. This event may include for example (i) a vehicle collision; (ii) a vehicle rollover; and/or (iii) a vehicle fire. In yet another variant, the user data includes both video and voice data."


"For instance, to perform material handling in warehouses, fork lift vehicles are often used. For lifts have forks that are used to lift loads. The forks are mounted to vertically-extending mast. One of the issues with such fork lift vehicle is that they may become unstable when supporting loads with the mast being extended. Another issue is when the center of mass of the load is not centered on the forks (e.g., the load is toward the tip of the forks) . More specifically, by a relatively heavy load being lifted has the effect of varying the center of mass of the fork lift, hence increasing the risk of a tipping over of the fork lift and its load."


"[0018] In other words, the electric starter motor is now defined so snugly located at the cylinder on the frame component or on the engine that—again as viewed in the forwards direction of the two-wheeler—it is sited aft of the exhaust manifold, which on a two-stroke engine may be what is called a two-stroke bulb, where it is safe from stone impact as thrown up by the front wheel whilst also being located beneath and within an outer surface of the fuel tank of the motorcycle, so that the electric starter motor does not come into contact with the ground even when the off-road competition motorcycle is toppled."

換言すると、電気スタータモータは、二輪車の進行方向を見たときに、2サイクルエンジンでいわゆる2サイクル洋梨形状部(Zweitaktbirne) と呼ばれることもある排気マニホールドの後方に据え付けられるように、フレーム部品上、または、エンジン上のシリンダに近接して位置決めされる。この場合、前輪によって跳ね飛ばされた石の衝撃を受けずに安全であると同時に、オフロード競技用自動二輪車が転倒したときでさえも、電気スタータモータが地面に接触しないように、自動二輪車の燃料タンクの外面の下かつ内側に位置する。

"The present invention has various aspects but is particularly well suited to helping children learn how to ride a bike on their own. Unlike traditional training wheels, that simply prevent the bike from tipping, the present invention allows children to learn how to balance themselves gradually, and thereby allows them to learn at their own pace. According to one aspect of the present invention, a pair of laterally spaced wheels on the frame of a bicycle or other wheeled vehicle have variable camber allowing a predetermined negative camber on the wheels in order to provide a stable starting platform with the wheels spaced apart at ground level, while allowing adjustment of camber of both wheels in the positive direction so as to decrease the distance between the wheels at ground level while the vehicle is moving."


"Unlike traditional training wheels, which simply prevent a bike from tipping over, the disclosed tricycle allows children to learn how to balance on their own. The variable-camber wheels help balance the bike at rest and at low speeds by virtue of being spread apart at ground level as shown in FIG. 3 A, i.e., a tricycle mode of operation."


"In conclusion, the greatest force the break must extend, without fear of over-turning the bicycles is proportional to the weight of the bicycles, including rider, payload, etc., it is proportional to the length from wheel to center of mass, and it is inversely proportional to the radius of the wheel."


"[0045] Referring to FIGS. 1 and 2a, bike 10 is made up of a top tube 12, a down tube 14, a crankshaft/flywheel, radio printed circuit board, housing 16, a seat tube 18, a steering assembly 20, a seat stay tube 22, a handle bar assembly 24, a front fork 26 (with spring suspension) having an axle 28 and a rear axle 30 at the base of the seat stay tube 22. Wheels 32a and 32b are rotatably mounted to the front and rear axles, 28 and 30, respectively. A seat post 34 is mounted within seat tube 18 and includes a seat 36 mounted thereon. Bike 10 can include a stabilizer 42 (FIGS. 2, 3c and 3d) which serves to prevent the bike from falling over when it is stopped or impacted during operation."


tip-over, tipover, tipping over

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