


2024-09-05 17:36:25 | ChatGPT
In technical writing, which is correct, "frequency f(n)" or "frequency f (n)"? Is the space between the letter "f" and the parenthesis "(" required?

In technical writing, the correct form is "frequency f(n)f(n)f(n)", without a space between the letter "f" and the parenthesis. This is because, in mathematical notation, functions or variables followed by parentheses (like f(n)f(n)f(n)) should not have a space between the variable and the parentheses.

Therefore, "frequency f(n)" is correct, while "frequency f (n)" (with a space) would be incorrect.

Which is correct, "the n-th period" or "the nth period"?

The correct form in technical writing is "the nth period" without a hyphen.

In English, when forming ordinal numbers with abbreviations like "nth" (for "n-th"), it's standard to write them without a hyphen. Therefore, "nth" is treated as a single word rather than as a hyphenated phrase.

So, "the nth period" is correct, and "the n-th period" is not typically used in formal writing.


Which is better, "f(n) = f(n - 1) × X", or "f(n)=f(n-1)×X"?

In technical writing, it's generally better to include spaces around operators for clarity, making the expression more readable. Therefore, the preferred form is:

"f(n) = f(n - 1) × X"

This version uses spaces around the equals sign ("=") and the subtraction operator ("-"), which is the standard convention in mathematical and technical writing. It improves readability and follows common formatting practices for mathematical expressions.

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2024-09-05 16:27:52 | 英語特許散策

US2024053443(CANON KK [JP])
[0056] Note that elements other than VCSELs such as edge surface emitting laser elements or light-emitting diodes (LEDs) may also be used as the light-emitting elements 211 

[0012] The term "light source" may refer to a semiconductor light-emitting device, such as a light emitting diode (LEDs), a resonant cavity light emitting diode (RCLED), a vertical cavity laser diode (VCSELs), an edge emitting laser, etc... 

[0157] Similar to an edge emitting laser diode, a SLED is typically configured as an edge-emitting device wherein the high brightness, highly directional optical emission exits a waveguide directed outward from the side of the semiconductor chip. 

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2024-09-05 16:12:43 | 英語特許散策

US2023309570(MAREL RED MEAT B V [NL])
[0033] In an embodiment the supporting surfaces may be adjustable in respect of distance to each other e.g. in respect of horizontal or vertical distance determined in relation to the positions during cutting.

The position adjusting devices

may control the distance of the supporting surfaces in the three dimensions x, y, z

to obtain the correct positioning of the supporting surfaces in relation to each other, in relation to the location of the guide pin and in relation to the dimension of the carcass to process.


US2023068378(SACMI [IT])
[0065] The male part 28 and the female part 29 of each mould are movable relative to each other between a position of maximum opening PA, shown in FIG. , and a forming position not illustrated.

In the position of maximum opening PA, the male part 28 and the female part 29 are spaced apart from each other and are at a mutual distance which is at a maximum.

In the forming position, the male part 28 and the female part 29 are close to each other,

in such a way that between the male part 28 and the female part 29 it is possible to define a forming chamber having a shape corresponding to the shape of the object to be formed.

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2024-09-05 12:55:22 | ChatGPT
Which of the following is better English in terms of clarity, usage, grammar, etc.?
1. This material does not have water repellency by itself.
2. This material does not by itself have water repellency.
3. This material by itself does not have water repellency.

All three sentences are grammatically correct, but the third option offers the best clarity and flow in English:

3. "This material by itself does not have water repellency."

Here's why:

  • Clarity: The phrase "by itself" is placed right after "This material," making it clear that the focus is on the material alone.
  • Flow: The structure is more natural, following the common subject-verb-object order.


  1. "This material does not have water repellency by itself."
    • The placement of "by itself" at the end is less smooth and can make the sentence feel slightly awkward.
  2. "This material does not by itself have water repellency."
    • This is grammatically fine but sounds more formal and less common in everyday speech.
  3. "This material by itself does not have water repellency."
    • This structure emphasizes the material alone and reads most naturally.
Which of the following is better?
1. This part includes a material that does not have water repellency by itself.
2. This part includes a material that by itself does not have water repellency.

Between the two options, Sentence 2 is the better choice for clarity and natural flow:

2. "This part includes a material that by itself does not have water repellency."

Here's why:

  • Clarity and emphasis: The phrase "by itself" is positioned directly after "that," clarifying that the material alone lacks water repellency. This placement is more concise and emphasizes the point more naturally.


  1. "This part includes a material that does not have water repellency by itself."
    • The placement of "by itself" at the end can make the sentence feel slightly awkward, as the phrase seems somewhat detached from the key idea.
  2. "This part includes a material that by itself does not have water repellency."
    • The phrase "by itself" is better integrated into the sentence, making it more fluid and easier to understand.
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2024-09-05 10:22:17 | 英語特許散策

Evaluation of Offset

The fixing belt obtained in each example is attached to a fixing device of an image forming apparatus (manufactured by Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.: Versant 3100 Press).
各例で得られた定着ベルトを、画像形成装置(富士ゼロックス株式会社製:Versant  3100  Press)の定着装置に装着した。

300,000 solid images with an image density of 100% are output on A4 paper with 100% Cin, by using the image forming apparatus.

As a condition during fixing, the output speed (printing speed) is set to 60 sheets per minute (denoted as “60 ppm” in table) or 120 sheets (denoted as “120 ppm”).

Further, for the A4 paper, three kinds of plain paper (P paper manufactured by Fuji Xerox Business Innovation Co., Ltd.), thick paper (JD coat 157 manufactured by Fuji Xerox Business Innovation Co., Ltd.), and embossed paper with large surface unevenness (REZAC 66 manufactured by Tokai Paper Co., Ltd.) are used.
また、A4用紙としては、普通紙(富士フイルムビジネスイノベーション株式会社製P紙)、厚紙(富士フイルムビジネスイノベーション株式会社製JD  コート157)、表面凹凸の大きいエンボス紙(特種東海製紙(株)製レザック66)の3種を用いた。

[0181] Examples of the recording paper sheet P onto which a toner image is to be transferred include plain paper sheets used for electrophotographic copying machines, printers, etc.

Examples of the recording medium include, in addition to the recording paper sheets P, transparencies.

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