


2024-09-07 23:14:49 | ChatGPT
Translate: 制御部は、実行したメンテナンスの履歴を履歴情報として記憶部に記憶させる

The control unit stores the history of the performed maintenance in the memory as historical information.

How about the following: 1. The control unit causes the history of the performed maintenance to be stored in the memory as historical information. 2. The control unit causes the memory to store the history of the performed maintenance as historical information.

Both sentences are accurate translations of the original Japanese sentence, with slightly different phrasing. Here's a breakdown of the differences:

  1. The control unit causes the history of the performed maintenance to be stored in the memory as historical information.

    • This version emphasizes that the control unit is responsible for ensuring the storage of the maintenance history. The phrase "causes ... to be stored" suggests that the control unit initiates or triggers the storage action.
  2. The control unit causes the memory to store the history of the performed maintenance as historical information.

    • This version emphasizes the memory itself as the actor storing the information. It shifts focus slightly to the memory's role, suggesting that the control unit directs the memory to perform the storage.

Both are correct and capture the meaning of the original sentence, though the second one puts a bit more focus on the memory as the entity doing the storing. The first is more neutral, describing the action overall.

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