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“Happy Lives”とは?

2011年02月17日 | 健康医療サービスイノベーション



Dr. Martin Seligmanが“happy lives”について話している。基本的には the Pleasurable Life, the Good Life, and the Meaningful Life – の3類型があるという。



1) The Pleasurable Life(楽しい人生)
This life is full of positive emotion of any kind and uses the skills of mindfulness and savoring to amplify these pleasures.

How to get it:

Identify the things that give you pleasure
Implement as many of these pleasure in your life as possible
Practice mindful savoring of these moments to enhance them

However, there are drawbacks:
the ability to have this kind of life is largely inherited
there are significant limits to how much we can increase pleasure
pleasure is usually short-lived
“too much of a good thing” eventually makes us bored

2) The Good Life(善い人生)
This life is full of “flow” – the ability to engage with something fulfilling (work, hobby, parenting, love, etc.) to such a degree that “time stops”.
Flow is different than pleasure in that pleasure we feel directly, but flow is so deep that we don’t feel anything, we just engage.

How to get it:

Identify your top strengths (take Dr. Seligman’s Brief Strengths Test)
Redesign your life (personal and professional) to focus on and enhance these strengths

3) The Meaningful Life(意味深い人生)
This life is about employing your greatest strengths BUT in the service of something greater than ourselves.
This is about finding our ‘calling’ and using it to benefit others and our world as a whole.

How to get it:

Identify your top strengths (take Dr. Seligman’s Brief Strengths Test)
Redesign your life (personal and professional) to focus on and enhance these strengths AND apply them in the service of others, in addition to yourself – via philanthropy, education, spirituality, or just plain regular kindness and generosity.


