

Effects of role or sample modeling

2013-02-21 16:45:05 | 医学教育
I am in the midst of finalizing my proposal and my mentors have been very supportive both scientifically and personally. We (Ph.D preparation course students) have been given several best proposals and completed thesis by former students. All are very well-organized and I have learned a lot from these "excellent" role models or samples.

Content, organization of the presentation, and logical alignment, and so forth are very instructive. I felt overwhelmed initially, but have been trying to be like that.

I spent almost a whole day to revise the proposal, but still did not reach the goal yet.

I emailed my interim proposal to my mentor a few minutes ago, and he replied immediately with some comments.

I am leaving for Taiwan this evening and will be back to this proposal on Monday.
I will have to refresh my brain quicky tomorrow to a completely different topic in Taiwan (i.e., clinical medicine!).

Enjoyable but the toughest period in my life now.


今夜から台湾に向けて出発です。頭を医学教育から完全に切り替えて、臨床医学、感染症に戻さねばなりません。Working memory overの感じです。月曜日までeducational scienceは一時休止。
