

マス・フォア・インダストリ研究所 教授1名公募 もうすぐ締め切り

2016年11月14日 20時30分16秒 | Weblog

マス・フォア・インダストリ研究所 教授1名公募(2016年11月30日必着)(応募書類は日本語でも可)

Call for Applicants

Position open for Professor
Institution: Kyushu University
Department: Institute of Mathematics for Industry
Employer Type: Academic
Position Type: Permanent
Subject Area(s): Mathematical Aspects of Information Sciences Geographic Location: Kyushu University Ito Campus, Fukuoka, Japan

Position Description
The Institute of Mathematics for Industry at Kyushu University (Fukuoka, JAPAN) invites applicants for a PROFESSOR POSITION ("Kyoju" in Japanese) starting from April 2017.
We seek candidates with a strong background in mathematic, interest in collaboration with industry and research expertise in mathematical aspects of information sciences including information processing, artificial intelligence, machine learning, cryptography, logic of programming languages, computer algebra and computational aspects of optimization and control theory. The selection will be based on the achievement and capability of candidates in mathematical research.
Kyushu University is one of the seven major national universities in Japan, located at Fukuoka in the western part of Japan. The Institute of Mathematics for Industry (IMI) was established in April 2011 and was declared a Joint Usage / Research Center for Mathematics for Industry in Japan in April 2013. Joint research is one of the most important research activities for IMI and is being promoted through close coordination with other research activities in IMI. IMI consists of approximately 28 full-time members who are active in various areas of pure and applied mathematics as well as in collaboration with industry. Please visit our website for more information. http://www.imi.kyushu-u.ac.jp/eng/

Salary will be determined based on qualification and experience in accordance with the wage system of Kyushu University.

The term of contract is up to the mandatory retirement age of 65.

All professors in IMI are professors of Graduate School of Mathematics (“Suuri Gakufu” in Japanese) as well. So they have a responsibility for the education of graduate and undergraduate students. Also all professors in Mathematics (IMI and the Faculty of Mathematics) share administration duties, such as assistance for the entrance examinations and committee activities for the Institute, the Graduate School, and the University.
To apply, please send the documents listed below to the following address by POSTAL MAIL. (We do not accept applications by email or fax.) The documents must reach the address no later than 30th (Wed.) November 2016.

Inquiries are to be sent to Prof. Yoshihiro Mizoguchi
ym @ imi.kyushu-u.ac.jp
List of documents to be sent
1. Curriculum vitae.
2. List of publications and preprints, and list of talks.
3. Photocopies of selected (at most five) publications, and if necessary, other documents
such as research reports.
4. Summary of research achievements.
5. Description of future research projects. Description of ideas for education.
6. List of names and addresses of three references.
7. A letter of recommendation from one of the references. The reference may send this
directly to the address below.

IMI Kyoju Hiring Committee,
Institute of Mathematics for Industry,
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