

Latest Graph500 Ranking of Fastest Supercomputers Released

2015年11月27日 00時53分39秒 | Weblog
Latest Graph500 Ranking of Fastest Supercomputers Released by Leading Universities at SC15

AUSTIN, Tex., Nov. 17 ― The eleventh Graph500 list was released today at the Supercomputing 2015 conference (SC’15), with Japan’s K-Computer maintaining its top spot for the second consecutive time.

Fujitsu, IBM and China’s National University of Defense Technology dominated the top 10, with the BlueGene/Q architecture holding eight of the top 10 positions. Other notable entries are:

Largest Problem: DOE/NNSA/LANL Sequoia at Scale 41
Best single node performance: Institute of Statistical Mathematics ismuv2k (SGI UV 2000) ranking #40 on the list with 175 GE/s
Largest single node problem: UV 2000 (#79), 19.6 GE/s
Highest Performance with High Memory Utilization: TitanXforsite (#46), 132 GE/s
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