

The SGI User Group in SC14

2014年11月02日 02時04分53秒 | Weblog
以下の The SGI User Group in SC14 に参加して、Graph500 などの結果を報告することになりました。

The SGI User Group Invades the The Big Easy!

Monday, November 17
11:30am - 3:00pm CT

Hampton Inn & Suites
Fulton Room
1201 Convention Center Blvd.

11:30-12:00 Registration & Lunch
12:00-12:30 HPC Matters - The Roadmap to Exascale Compute and Data Dr. Eng Lim Goh, CTO, SGI
12:30-1:00 Beyond Human - Sequencing the Complex Wheat Genome to Advance Global Food Security Dr. Timothy Stitt, Head of Scientific Computing, The Genome Analysis Centre (TGAC)
1:00-1:30 Datacenter and Cooling Design Challenges for Petascale Stuart Midgley, CTO, DownUnder GeoSolutions
1:30-2:00 Simulation Ghosts of Past, Present, and Future Gerard Gorman, Dept of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College
2:00-2:15 Break
2:15-2:45 Graph500 and Green Graph500 Benchmarks on SGI UV 2000 Yuichiro Yasui & Katsuki Fujisawa, Kyushu University and JST CREST
2:45-3:30 Crossfire: Usable HPC: How do we deliver power, efficiency and scale in a consumable manner for users who aren't hardware and systems experts? Interactive discussion, Moderated by Ryan Quick, Principal Architect, PayPal
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