

JST ポストペタ CREST 講演会

2012年09月19日 01時04分30秒 | Weblog
以下の日時で JST ポストペタ CREST 主催の講演会を開催します。講演内容は第3回 KSMAP 研究会と同じものになります。京都で参加できない方はこちらにご参加ください。講師の日程上の都合によりまして、9月26日と10月1日の2回分けて開催します。

◯JST ポストペタ CREST 主催講演会


Speaker: Stefan Vigerske (GAMS Software GmbH)

Title: Solving MINLPs with SCIP

Abstract: We discuss recent extensions of the constraint integer programming
framework SCIP for solving mixed-integer nonlinear programs.
Nonlinear constraints (convex or nonconvex) are handled within an
LP-based branch-and-cut algorithm by reformulation, linear relaxation,
and domain propagation. In an extensive computational study, we
compare the performance of our implementation with state-of-the-art
solvers for MINLP and analyze the impact of various solver components
on the overall performance.

◯10月1日(月): 13:30 ~ 15:45

Speaker: Ted Ralphs (Lehigh University)

Title: Complexity and Multi-level Optimization

Abstract: Many real-world optimization problems involve multiple decision-makers, multiple
objectives, and/or decisions that are made in multiple stages. Such problems arise both in practical
applications (game theory, stochastic programming) and in theoretical contexts (analysis of
recursive algorithms). The computational complexity of such problems is often difficult to discern,
but can generally be understood in terms of the so-called "polynomial time hierarchy," of which the
classes P and NP are the first two levels. In this talk, we discuss the
complexity of and relationships between a number of related problem classes, focusing specifically
on multi-level problems with discrete decisions at some or all levels/stages. We present a new
result that shows that the separation problem for a certain strengthened version of the well-known
generalized subtour elimination constraints is not in NP unless the polynomial time hierarchy
collapses to its second level.

Speaker: Thorsten Koch (Zuse Institute Berlin)

Title: What Could a Million Cores Do To Solve Integer Programs?

Abstract: Given the steady increase in cores per CPU, it is only a matter of time until
supercomputers will have a million or more cores. In this talk, we investigate the opportunities and
challenges that will arise when trying to utilize this vast computing power to solve a single
integer linear optimization problem. We also raise the question of whether best practices in
sequential solution of ILPs will be effective in massively parallel environments.
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