

The 2nd ISM-ZIB-IMI MODAL Workshop on Mathematical Optimization and Data Analysis : 9/22 開催

2017年09月20日 19時59分52秒 | Weblog
Welcome to the 2nd ISM-ZIB-IMI MODAL Workshop on Mathematical Optimization and Data Analysis


The Institute of Statistical Mathematics (ISM) in Tokyo, the Institute of Mathematics for Industry (IMI) of Kyushu University and Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB) have established collaboration agreements in 2016, confirming the mutual interest in cooperation for research in applied mathematics and initiating a regular exchange between the institutes.
The first ISM-ZIB-IMI workshop was carried out at ISM in Tokyo, Japan, from 2017-01-19 to 2017-01-22, as a kick-off for joint research activities in applied mathematics and data intensive high performance computing. Special focus was the organization of cooperations between research and industry. To build up on the success of the first joint workshop the "2nd ISM-ZIB-IMI MODAL Workshop on Mathematical Optimization and Data Analysis" will take place on September 22nd to September 26th at the Research Campus MODAL at ZIB.


The first joint workshop in January at the ISM showed that the involvement of experts from both, science and industry, is a great way to promote knowledge exchange. Sharing of the perspectives from science and industry fosters research cooperations, which will lead to scientific progress and innovations. We want to build up on the success of the first workshop.
Therefore, partners from the industry, who already cooperate in the Research Campus MODAL, partners from associated projects and possible new partners are invited to participate in the upcoming event. Organized by the Research Campus MODAL at ZIB, ISM and IMI, topics of applied mathematics are presented by speakers from science and industry, which will inform about latest progress and different perspectives to encourage discussions for planned cooperations.
Another focus is the promotion of young talent. The institutes ZIB, ISM and IMI plan a student and early stage researcher exchange. Concepts for such an exchange program need to consider the basic conditions of career paths in Germany and Japan to achieve a sustainable promotion of young talent.
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