

CUDA9 & cuDNN7

2017年10月05日 00時07分10秒 | Weblog
CUDA9 & cuDNN7がリリースされていますが、AI 系のソフトの方が未対応だったりします。

CUDA 9 is the most powerful software platform for GPU-accelerated applications. It has been built for Volta GPUs and includes faster GPU-accelerated libraries, a new programming model for flexible thread management, and improvements to the compiler and developer tools. With CUDA 9 you can speed up your applications while making them more scalable and robust.

What’s New in cuDNN 7?
Deep learning frameworks using cuDNN 7 can leverage new features and performance of the Volta architecture to deliver up to 3x faster training performance compared to Pascal GPUs. cuDNN 7 is now available as a free download to the members of the NVIDIA Developer Program. Highlights include:

Up to 2.5x faster training of ResNet50 and 3x faster training of NMT language translation LSTM RNNs on Tesla V100 vs. Tesla P100
Accelerated convolutions using mixed-precision Tensor Cores operations on Volta GPUs
Grouped Convolutions for models such as ResNeXt and Xception and CTC (Connectionist Temporal Classification) loss layer for temporal classification
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