

18th Graph500 List

2019年06月07日 21時14分42秒 | Weblog
18th Graph500 List

BoF Organizer/Speakers
Richard Murphy
David Bader
Peter Kogge
Andrew Lumsdaine
Anton Korzh
Torsten Hoefler

TimeTuesday, June 18th2:45pm - 3:45pm

Location Substanz 1, 2

DescriptionData intensive supercomputer applications are increasingly important workloads, especially for “Big Data” problems, but are ill suited for most of today’s computing platforms (at any scale!). The Graph500 list has grown to over 235 entries and has demonstrated the challenges of even simple analytics. The new SSSP kernel introduced at SC17 has increased the benchmark’s overall difficulty. Backed by a steering committee of 30 international HPC experts from academia, industry, and national laboratories, this effort serves to enhance data intensive workloads for the community. This BOF will unveil the 18th Graph500 list, expand on the new second kernel, and enhance the new energy metrics the Green Graph500. It will offer a forum for community and provide a rallying point for data intensive supercomputing problems. In this BOF we will explore emerging streaming graph applications and the potential for a new tensor benchmark, the results from the new kernel, the creation of a larger community infrastructure for analytics benchmarks and analysis, and the results of the latest list. Graph500 is the first serious approach to complement the Top 500 with data intensive applications.
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