kuringo's Blog



2015年12月01日 18時38分30秒 | 日記


in passing :通りがかりに、ついでに(言えば)、ちなみに
out of earshot :声の届かない所に
keep an eye out :見張る、警戒する
keep ~ private :~を内密にしておく、~を秘密にしておく
minute-to-minute :分刻みの
lousy :〈話〉気に食わない、面白くない、うんざりする、いやな
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Daily Routine

2015年12月01日 13時07分55秒 | 日記
Push-ups:0 times
Walking:0 minutes
Standing on one foot :0 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

I was able to keep no-smoking for four years and 357 days in a row.
I haven't done push-ups for the fifth consecutive day becaue of the low back pain
I got last Tuesday and I'm afriad the pain is still here.

Well, actually I have the days of the fifth week off and yesterday was my day off.
I dared to try a 4DX-3D movie of "Jurassic World" at Nakagawa Corona, which cost
2,500 yen including 3D glasses and 4DX extra charge.
And the price was a Monday discount price for men.
It was more interesting than I expected indeed, but honestly, I don't feel
I really want to see a 4DX-3D movie again.
Anywat it was a really enjoyable movie for a change.
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