


2022-09-06 15:48:14 | 英語特許散策

[0204] To our knowledge, there is no previously published complete study that has evaluated the diagnostic performance of an automated LVO-detection algorithm.

Two abstracts are available for evaluation of another LVO-detection software: the sensitivity of 0.85 to 0.97 reported in these abstracts is comparable to ours, while the reported specificity had a wide range (0.52-0.83).

The cohort of patients in those investigations was randomly selected from acute ischemic stroke patients at a number of comprehensive stroke centers and enriched with LVOs.

Our study cohort consisted of consecutive patients presenting to a regional hospital with a suspected acute ischemic stroke

and is therefore likely to be more heterogenous, with a lower prevalence of LVOs

because clinical triage is less refined than at a comprehensive stroke center. 


[0213] After obtaining approval from the Institutional Review Board at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and written informed consent, blood specimens from the lead proband (P1) and his parents were obtained for sequencing analysis.
フィラデルフィア小児病院(CHOP)のInstitutional  Review  Boardの承認と書面によるインフォームドコンセントを得た後、主治医であるプロバンド(P1)とその両親の血液検体を入手し、シーケンス解析を行った。

The proband had severe accumulation of lymphatic fluid in his chest, pericardium, abdomen, lower extremities and genitalia and was being followed and treated at the Center for Lymphatic Imaging and Interventions at CHOP.
このプロバンドは、胸部、心膜、腹部、下肢、生殖器にリンパ液が重度に貯留しており、CHOPのCenter  for  Lymphatic  Imaging  and  Interventionsで経過観察と治療を受けた。

An unrelated second adult patient (P2) was recruited through the Patient Registry of the Lymphangiomatosis & Gorham's Disease Alliance (LGDA), together with available family members. 
血縁関係のない成人の2人目の患者(P2)は、Lymphangiomatosis&Gorham's  Disease  Alliance(LGDA)のPatient  Registry(患者登録)を通じて募集し、可能な家族とともに参加した。

Birth and family history for P1 were unremarkable except for a capillary malformation on the left side of his abdomen and his childhood growth and development milestones were normal.

At age 10 years, he developed swelling of hislower abdomen, thighs, scrotum and penis.

Two months later, he presented to a local hospital with shortness of breath and exercise intolerance. 

[0114] To determine the impact of EBV infections on insulin secretory capacity, serial serum C-peptide levels were monitored for at least 15 weeks after the subjects with EBV presented to the research clinic

[0002] When patients visit the hospital, they typically are triaged to determine various information about the patients, such as their names, ages, heights, weights, vital signs, reasons for visiting, and other similar information. Once triaged, the patients are sent to an area such as a waiting room to wait for hospital resources such as physicians to become available to examine and/or treat the patients. Wait times for the patients may be significant depending on availability of hospital resources. It is not uncommon for patients to deteriorate while waiting, and medical personnel may not always become aware of the deterioration in a timely fashion.

  [0002]  患者が病院を受診するとき、患者は、一般的に、患者の名前、年齢、身長、体重、バイタルサイン、受診の理由、及び他の同様の情報など、患者に関する様々な情報を決定するためにトリアージされる。トリアージされると、患者は、医師などの病院の人的資源が、患者を検査及び/又は治療するために対応可能になるのを待つために、待合室などのエリアに送られる。患者の待ち時間は、病院の人的資源の対応可能性によっては著しい。患者が待っている間に悪化することは珍しくなく、医療人員は、常に適時に悪化に気づくとは限らない。

[0053] In one embodiment, the subject suffering from a non-tuberculosis febrile or infectious disease presents himself or herself to hospital.

[0355] FIG. 4—Transcriptomic classification of active TB and other Fever cohort cases using SVM to identify most discriminating features.

(A) Relative BATF2 gene expression and (B) serum C-reactive protein (CRP) levels in blood samples from patients with active TB in AdjuVIT cohort compared to patients with a spectrum of other infectious diseases presenting to hospital with fever.

[0325] The present invention also shows that a transcriptional signature comprising four genes (IGJ, HP, CLC and CD177)

can be summarised into a single probability score to discriminate between active TB and patients presenting to hospital with non-tuberculosis infectious disease or non-tuberculosis febrile disease.


*present (vi): come forward as a patient (Merriam-Webster Unabridged)

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