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自転車XアウトドアX健康法Xなど綴る雑談メモ by 松下博宣


2009年06月28日 | ビジネス&社会起業

EconomistsのCountry Briefingは日本について辛口の記事をよく書く。No exitの日本という記事は起業貧困国日本をチクリと分析。


For decades this cosy form of capitalism ensured that competition was never too fierce and everyone prospered at least a bit. It certainly smoothed out the occasional ups and downs during the country’s stunning post-war economic development, as it rapidly caught up with the West. So it is not surprising that many politicians and business leaders are advocating an even stronger dose of such medicine now. As Japan struggles with its deepest recession since the war, the government has established a mechanism to give financial help to poorly performing firms, companies are being encouraged to provide support to their weaker suppliers, and banks are being asked to do their bit, too.









Tellingly, the shut-down rate of companies in Japan is around half that in America and Britain. And the number of corporate insolvencies is expected to increase in Japan this year by only 15%, despite the depth of its recession, compared with more than 30% in western Europe and 40% in America. Normally a scarcity of corporate bankruptcies is a sign of economic vitality; in Japan, it is a sign of its economic weakness. Of course, keeping struggling firms alive protects jobs. But it also fossilises industry structures and hinders the development of a more flexible labour market and a business environment more supportive of new-company creation―two areas where Japan is also sadly deficient.


