

Cherry blossom has open!🌸

2022-03-31 07:58:26 | blog in English

Sorry my English might be not good enough. But I write my husband and some of my students in England and friends)

Since I came back here, I have had hectic days.
Firstly, I have 6 nights and 7 days mandatory quarantine which is quite waste the time.
But fortunately, I could stay bigger room and it was nice hotel instead of small tiny room.

After mandatory quarantine, finally, I came back to my house (my parents' house) which is old and not good condition's house.
Japanese hose, usually, doesn't keep long years, 40-50years time, they demolish the house and they built new house.
So, I surprised when I came back here, around the house, and old crummy apartments become nice modern house and apartments.

I have a lot of work in Japan, because I couldn't come back for 3years.
A few days ago, I could go to the temple and shrine near my house.
Cherry blossoms are full bloom now.

I prayed at the temple and shrine "the war will be finish soon. "

This place you can wash your hands and mouth (お清め=Okiyome) means purify your body and mind.

This is shrine's gate.

Some place there is too many people for お花見 (Ohanai).
But my local area is quiet.

I surprised around 地元の商店街(Local shopping area) I can hear Chinese and see Chinese person running the shop (Asian food shop). I have never found before.
Also, there is Vietnamese's restaurant as well.
Definitely, foreigners increased in Japan even Corona virus time, not many foreigners can come to Japan.

Then I went to river side which is also, quite a lot of cherry blossoms but they are still half open called 五分咲き(Gobu zaki)

I am planning to ride the bicycle with my friend who come from Nishinomiya city tomorrow.
We will do 花見 (Hanami) means cherry blossom viewing picnic.

Weather forecast said tomorrow will be sunny and cloud and bit cold.
Yesterday was very warm but today is rainy.

I found my return way to England, the flight duration will be longer
because they cannot fly over Russian territory.

I found my return way to England, the flight duration will be longer
because they cannot fly over Russian territory.
Instead of 12hours to Paris, it will be 15hours to Paris and then, 1and half hour to England.

When I watch the news about Ukraine made me upset.
I really hope, the war will be finished soon.


