Credidimus Caritati 私たちは天主の愛を信じた

2024年から贖いの業の2000周年(33 - 2033)のノベナの年(2024-2033)が始まります


2021年08月09日 | カトリック・ニュースなど







この2つの文書を読むと、(1)古い典礼(vetus ritus)の使用と新しい典礼(novus ritus)の拒絶を結びつける傾向があること、(2)典礼改革の拒絶(そして、多くの場合、新しい典礼方式の実施における重大な欠陥のいくつかの拒絶)を、公会議の全般かつ徹底的な拒絶として誤って伝えていることがわかります(実際、公会議を拒絶した人々にとって、ミサ典礼の選択は小さな問題に過ぎず、この問題で聖座が譲歩しても今度の教会の分裂は逆転しません)。




この文書では、自発教令『スンモールム・ポンティフィクム』の実施上の誤りを非難するだけでなく、2つの典礼の共存を悪とみなしています。 第3条の第5項と第6項、文書の第4条と第5条は、明らかにこれらのグループの死を願っているのではないでしょうか? 





在閱讀這兩份文件時,我注意到它們 (1) 帶有傾向性地將沿用舊有禮儀(vetus ritus)與不接受新禮儀(novus ritus)兩件事聯繫起來,及(2) 將不接受禮儀改革(其實更多情形是不接受執行新禮儀方式時一些嚴重的弊病)錯誤引導為對大公會議的全盤且徹底的拒絕(其實為那些拒絕大公會議的人,彌撒儀式的選擇只是附屬小問題,教廷在這問題上的讓步也並沒有逆轉這次教會的分裂)。 

Why do they see problem where there is none and

close their eyes to the problem, for which they are also responsible?

Concerns about a ventilated document “against” the Tridentine Mass (see my blog June 12, 2021) have come true, and the blow has been no less severe because it was foreseen, many tendentious generalizations in the documents hurt more than expected the hearts of many good people, who never gave the slightest cause to be suspected of not accepting the liturgical reform of the Council, much less not accepting the Council “Tout court”. Moreover they remain active members in their parishes.
It came as a bitter surprise to me personally that the “widespread” consultation did not reach me, a cardinal and once a member of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. During the years 2007-2009, moreover, I was bishop of Hong Kong and therefore responsible for the implementation of “Summorum Pontificum”, and until now, a well-known supporter of the group.
Not having known either the questionnaire or the responses to the questionnaire, I cannot judge, but only suspect that there was much misunderstanding (or perhaps even manipulation) in the process.
As I read the two documents I note (1) an incredible ease (or tendentiousness) in linking the desire to use the vetus ritus to the non-acceptance of the ritus novus and (2) in associating the non-acceptance of the liturgical reform (which often concerns mainly the way in which it was carried out with its many serious abuses) with a total and profound rejection of the Council itself (as matter of fact for those who reject the Council the diversity of the rite of the Mass is only a small corollary, so much so that the concession regarding the rite did not reverse the schism).
The Vatican authorities should ask themselves (and perhaps even make a thorough investigation) why the second phenomenon has persisted and perhaps (recently) even worsened.
The problem is not “which rite do people prefer?” but is “why don’t they go to Mass anymore?” Certain surveys show that half of the Christian population in Europe no longer believes in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, no longer believes in eternal life! Certainly we do not blame all this on the liturgical reform, but we just want to say that the problem is much deeper, we cannot evade the question: “Has not the formation of faith been lacking?” “Has not the great work of the Council been wasted?” Isn’t the root of evil that attitude of believing that everything can now be changed? Is it not that attitude of believing that this Council erases all previous ones and that the Tridentine Council is like the dirt accumulated on the “last judgement” of the Sistine Chapel (as a “liturgist” in our diocese put it)?
The Document obviously sees not only irregularities in the execution of Summorum Pontificum, but considers the very existence of a parallel rite to be an evil. Don’t paragraphs § 5 and § 6 of Art 3, Art 4 and 5 clearly wish for the death of the groups? But, even in that case, can’t the anti-Ratzinger gentlemen of the Vatican be patient to allow the Tridentine Mass to die only after the death of Benedict XVI instead of inflicting such humiliation on the venerable Pope Emeritus?


