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宇宙関連情報: レイセオン社 ミサイル技術をもって、打上ロケット市場へ参入

2008-11-26 08:15:11 | 北海道衛星
レイセオン社 ミサイル技術をもって、打上ロケット市場へ参入

Raytheon hoping to transition from missiles to rockets With wars in Iraq and Afghanistan expected to wind down under President-elect Barack Obama, the world's biggest maker of guided missiles is looking to NASA as its next big customer. Raytheon Missile Systems believes its technologies can be adapted to rockets, allowing NASA to send astronauts into space for less than the agency is paying now. "We are developing capabilities that have a direct application to NASA's space-exploration mission and could be an untapped resource for the agency,"
says Donald McMonagle, Raytheon's VP for NASA programs. The Arizona Republic
(Phoenix) (11/13)