三木奎吾の住宅探訪記 2nd

(旧タイトル:性能とデザイン いい家大研究)


2024年09月07日 06時12分40秒 | Weblog

English version⬇
NHK program “Where did the Japanese come from?” The Latest Genome Analysis
The latest research impact on my life's work of exploring the folklore of Japanese homes, and the results of DNA analysis are stimulating. The results of the DNA analysis are stimulating.
Hi, it's amazing to see what all the fuss is about Hyogo Prefecture. I haven't seen much in the general media, but the number of views on youtuve and other video media is outstanding. I can only find out about the details of the incident through news reports, but seeing the level of “information hijacking” that has gone on, it is on the level of a kind of social phenomenon. Since the natural tendency of mass society is to seek catharsis, it will be interesting to see how this situation will change society.
 Although I have little contact with the general media in terms of current events and news, I look forward to watching TV programs that interest me as background material, which my wife records for me during our dinner time together. The programs tend to be NHKBS programs, such as Shohei Hino's bicycle tour.
 Among them, there was one that aired the day before yesterday, called “What is a Japanese? The title of the program is from memory, so it may be inaccurate. I watched this program all the way to the end, appreciating the fact that the program was well aware of my interests in history and folklore, which are my major areas of interest.
 Thinking that since I pay my NHK subscription fee properly, I would have a certain amount of permission (lol), or rather more than that, my intellectual curiosity was strongly stimulated, I had to include a screen shot of this program.
 As the title suggests, “Where did the Japanese come from?” is an extreme factual exploration of the theme “Where did the Japanese come from? The latest findings, DNA analysis of the Jomon people, have been elucidated, he said. It proves that a part of the Great Journey of the Exo-African humans, which had reached straight to Southeast Asia, migrated northward along the coastline to the Japanese archipelago, which was almost land-locked, about 1,000 people strong, more than 30,000 years ago.
 He also introduced the inference that these Jomon people were very “active” and curiosity-driven. I was impressed by the latest progress in DNA analysis.
 It is understandable that the Jomon period continued and developed uniquely in the Japanese archipelago, largely due to the subsequent “Jomon Kaijin” (Jomon sea expansion), which separated the continent from the mainland on all four sides by the sea.
 However, beyond this separation, the DNA of the Yayoi agricultural culture was layered, and furthermore, in the Kofun period, a large number of immigrants from the continent layered their DNA in the Japanese archipelago as the “frontier of East Asia”. The Kofun period people have formed DNA that is almost the same as that of modern humans.
 This is a very interesting discovery, and I believe that the impact of such a fact at the cutting edge of the research field will bring about a tremendous “review” in the future. It is also a fundamental stimulus for my own exploration of housing folklore. Hmmm.

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