The orthodox civilization is the festival politics of Japan


The water of Lourdes and the hydrogen water Ⅰ

2015-12-19 14:07:59 | 世界経済

When I visited a friend of christian , he showed me a small bottle of water ,
" This is the water of Lourdes . "

The size of the bottle is just that of eye lotion .
It is famous among chrisrian that the water of Lourdes recovers the illness .
Catholic order which absorbed the customes of Native Europeans at their growth likes the occult .

Jeanne d'Arc who heard the voice of God seemed to be the blood of celt .
The people of celt consideed the wild flower to be the fairy and hear the song of fairy in the howling of the wind .
By the way , I become to think that the water of Lourdes may be true .       
           ルルドの泉と水素水 上

 「万病に効くんだ フェッフェッフエッー」
 なんて下品なんだろう、✕ファイルじゃあないが、カトリックのオカルト趣味には困ったものだ、この宗派は、かつて、Native European の風習を取りこんだ、やたら軽薄なハロウィーンやクリスマス・・・




