The orthodox civilization is the festival politics of Japan


D.Trump and north people 上

2016-03-03 11:47:07 | 世界経済

The paternal family of D.Trump is German , and mother's side is Scottish .
We can say that he is the member of north people .
Well , it is well known that the religion of north people of Europe is protestantism .
But , we must recognize that it didn't make the north people character , north people had selected it .

Well , we had better reserch their culture and tradition to understand their tendency .
The motive power of Trump's saying may consist of the sense of north people .    

      トランプと北方民族 上
Super Tuesday で大勢が決まるようだ、民主党はクリントン・共和党はトランプか、どちらにしてもかわり映えはしない、ポスト・モダンの問題意識が欠落している。



