kuringo's Blog



2017年04月24日 17時05分55秒 | 日記


reflexology :リフレクソロジー、反射(学)、足や手のつぼのマッサージ
pour one's heart and soul into :身も心も~にささげる
break out of one's shell :自分の殻を破る
difficult :〔人が〕気難しい、扱いが面倒な、〔人が〕説得しにくい、頑固な
many more 複数形名詞 :さらに[はるかに・ずっと]多く[たくさん]の
less of a problem :それほど問題ではない
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Daily Routine

2017年04月24日 12時58分22秒 | 日記
Push-ups :24 times
Walking :a total of 90 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

I have succeeded in preventing myself from smoking for six years and one hundred and thirty-six days in a row.
I was able to keep at least 18-time push-ups for the eighty-third straight day
including the latest eleven days of 24 times of them.

Today again, it's greatly sunny in Nagoya with the predicted highest temperature
of 22 degrees, which might make me feel a little too hot.
Now, I'm planning to do a walking and I may have to be careful about dehydration.
Anyway, the fluctuation in temperatures is a little severe around this time of year,
so I also have to be careful not to catch a cold.
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2017年04月23日 16時31分14秒 | 日記


be tempted to fill the void :空白状態を埋めたがる
a gusting wind :突風
protection barrier :防護壁
wind mill :風車
play around :不倫[浮気]する
shunt :《医》短絡、シャント、バイパス
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Daily Routine

2017年04月23日 12時58分39秒 | 日記
Push-ups :24 times
Walking :60 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

I was able to keep no-smoking for six years and one hundred and thirty-five days in a row.
I was also able to keep 24-time push-ups for the tenth consecutive day and
over 17-time push-ups for the eighty-second successive day.

It is the most greatly and beautifully sunny in Nagoya today.
There are no clouds in the blue skies, and I could enjoy seeing
Mt. Ontake whose top is still covered with snow far in the distance
in the east, which I think will be the last in the first half of the year.
Anyway, I really want to enjoy today's wonderful sunshine.
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2017年04月22日 15時00分35秒 | 日記


incrustation :外被、上張りの装飾、化粧張り、皮殻、外殻、積み重ね、堆積物、蓄積、付着物、かさぶた
down from __% a year earlier :一昨年(度)の_%から減少[低下]して
RSVP :【略】=repondez s'il vous plait●〈フランス語〉《レ》ご返事ください、ご返事お願いします
moan :愚痴、不平
nifty :〈話〉〔服装などが〕粋な、しゃれた、格好いい、あか抜けた
fit in with the Japanese way of doing business :日本式経営になじむ
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Daily Routine

2017年04月22日 12時34分44秒 | 日記
Push-ups :24 times
Walking :60 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

It has been six years and one hunddred and thirty-four days in a row since I shook off a bad habit of smoking.
I was able to keep more than 17-time push-ups for the eighty-first straight day
including the most recent nine days of 24-time push-ups.

It's beautifully sunny in Nagoya with some crisp winds with the predicted highest
temperature of 20 degrees, which really makes me feel spring has to be as is.
If possible, I would like to go to Tennouji Park or Kounan, which are very famous
for their wonderful blossoms of Japanese westeria.
I have never seen them before, so I really want to try seeing them at least one time in my life.
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Daily Routine

2017年04月21日 12時50分28秒 | 日記
Push-ups :24 times
Walking :40+40=1 hour 20 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

I'm afraid I cannnot have enough time to be here today.
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2017年04月21日 12時39分18秒 | 日記


scamper :〔ふざけてまたは急いで〕走る[動く]こと、〔ふざけてまたは急いで〕走る、動く
tantivy :飛ばせ!◆猟師が馬を全速力で走らせるときの掛け声
lit. :=literary●文芸に通じた[詳しい]
gusting wind :《a ~》突風
unceasing effort :絶え間ぬ努力、絶え間ない取り組み、不断の努力
grounded in :《be ~》~に基づいて[根差して]いる、~を土台[基礎・ベース]としている
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Daily Routine

2017年04月20日 12時35分21秒 | 日記
Push-ups :24 times
Walking :0 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

Six years and one hundred and thirty-two days in a row have passed since I overcame a bad habit of smoking.
I was able to keep 24-time push-ups for the seventh consecutive day and
at least 18-time push-ups for the seventy-ninth successive day.

After a very windy day, I feel it's quiet in Nagoya today.
I mean it's normally couldy and sometimes sunny without strong winds.
Weather ladies say rain clouds are now approaching Nagoya from the west.
I'm afraid that tomorrow will be rainy.
It will be rainy after all, then at least, I want it to be a warm rain.
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2017年04月19日 14時27分45秒 | 日記


contemplative :めい想的な、静観的な、黙想にふける、沈思する、熟慮する、熟考する、凝視する、観想的な
pass up :〔招待を〕辞退する、〔要求などを〕断る、〔機会・取引などを〕逃す、逸する
paltry :つまらない、けちな、無価値の、取るに足りない、微々たる
experience success in :~で成功を体験[経験]する、~で成功体験[経験]を味わう
overly optimistic picture :過度[あまり]に楽観[楽天]的な見方
fond memories of the film :その映画の懐かしい思い出
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