


2024-06-20 13:55:54 | ChatGPT


In technical writing, particularly when drafting patent applications, which of the following sentences is better in terms of clarity, accuracy, convention, common usage, etc.?

  1. This method comprises a step for detecting an object using a sensor.
  2. This method comprises a step for detecting, using a sensor, an object.
  3. This method comprises a step for detecting, by a sensor, an object.
  4. This method comprises a step for a sensor to detect an object.
  5. This method comprises a step of a sensor detecting an object.

In technical writing, particularly in patent applications, clarity, accuracy, and adherence to convention are paramount. Considering these factors, the best sentence among the options provided is:

1. This method comprises a step for detecting an object using a sensor.

Here’s an analysis of each option:

  1. "This method comprises a step for detecting an object using a sensor."

    • Clarity: Clear and straightforward.
    • Accuracy: Accurately describes the step and the use of the sensor.
    • Convention: Aligns well with standard phrasing in patent applications.
    • Common Usage: Commonly used in technical writing and patent language.
  2. "This method comprises a step for detecting, using a sensor, an object."

    • Clarity: Slightly less clear due to the separation of "detecting" and "an object."
    • Accuracy: Still accurate, but the split can cause slight confusion.
    • Convention: Less conventional than option 1.
    • Common Usage: Less common structure.
  3. "This method comprises a step for detecting, by a sensor, an object."

    • Clarity: Similar to option 2, but "by a sensor" is less conventional.
    • Accuracy: Accurate but slightly awkward phrasing.
    • Convention: Less conventional.
    • Common Usage: Not commonly used.
  4. "This method comprises a step for a sensor to detect an object."

    • Clarity: Clear but changes the focus slightly to the sensor's action.
    • Accuracy: Accurate but may imply the sensor is an active participant rather than a tool used.
    • Convention: Not as conventional in patent language.
    • Common Usage: Less common.
  5. "This method comprises a step of a sensor detecting an object."

    • Clarity: Clear but less formal.
    • Accuracy: Accurate but informal.
    • Convention: Less conventional; the sensor appears to act independently.
    • Common Usage: Less common and may seem informal.

Thus, option 1 is preferred because it maintains clarity, adheres to conventional structure, and is commonly used in patent applications.


Translate the following into English. The sentence is for the purpose of drafting patent applications. この方法はセンサーが物体を検出するステップを含む。


The translation of the sentence "この方法はセンサーが物体を検出するステップを含む。" for the purpose of drafting patent applications is:

"This method includes a step of detecting an object using a sensor."


Doesn't the translation differ slightly from the Japanese sentence in terms of structure, specifically with regard to that which does the detecting? In the Japanese sentence, it's clear that it is a sensor that does the detecting; that is, it is "センサーが物体を検出する" and not "センサーを用いて物体を検出する". The English translation appears to fail to convey the grammatical structure of the Japanese sentence, where the "センサー" is the subject of the action of detecting the object. What do you think?


You are correct. The original Japanese sentence specifies that the sensor is the subject performing the action of detecting the object. To maintain this grammatical structure and clarity in the translation, the revised English sentence should reflect that the sensor is actively performing the detection.

A more accurate translation would be:

"This method includes a step in which the sensor detects an object."

This translation maintains the original meaning, ensuring that the sensor is clearly the subject performing the action of detecting the object, which aligns with the structure of the Japanese sentence.


That sounds better. But give me another translation that does not involve the use of a relative clause, such as that or which.


Certainly! Here's an alternative translation that avoids using a relative clause:

"This method includes a step of a sensor detecting an object."

This phrasing preserves the structure of the original Japanese sentence by clearly indicating that the sensor is the one performing the detection.

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